2004 Report of Ministerial Convention Committee

Report of the

Ministerial Convention Committee

The Annual Ministerial Convention was held on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 30 and October 1, 2003 at Pinebrook Bible Conference Center. The Conference theme was entitled: The Peacemaker: Responding to Conflict Biblically. Four sessions were held which included the following topics: “Glorify God,” “Get The Log Out of Your Own Eye,” “Go and Show Your Brother His Fault,” and “Go and Be Reconciled.” Each session was taught by Glen Ridenour who serves on the Advisory Committee for the Christian Conciliation Services, Glenside, PA, and on the Philadelphia Bar Association. These sessions were encouraging, instructional and helpful as Glen shared how to handle and resolve conflict in a variety of relationship settings. The women had a planned time of fellowship and interaction while the pastors met for their business meeting. At the business meeting, the following members were elected to serve on the 2004 committee: Howard N. Wells and Allan R. Vivona.

The Committee is constituted as follows:

2003 Convention Committee 2004 Convention Committee

Ron C. Erb, Chairman Howard N. Wells, Chairman

Charles E. Cole, Secretary Charles E. Cole, Secretary

Jonathon W. Arnold, Treasurer Ralph E. Ritter, Treasurer

C. Larry Bennett C. Larry Bennett

Ralph E. Ritter Allan R. Vivona

Ronald C. Mahurin, Advisor Ronald C. Mahurin, Advisor

Length of terms are as follows 1 year – C. Larry Bennett; 2 years – Charles E. Cole, Ralph E. Ritter.; 3 years – Allan R. Vivona, Howard N. Wells

The 2004 Ministerial Convention is scheduled for September 28,29, 2004. The theme will be “Pastoral Leadership: CEO or Shepherd or What?” addressing expectations, challenges, and opportunities of men called by God to serve in the local church. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Gil Peterson, Chancellor, Lancaster Bible College. Plan to attend the 2004 Ministerial Convention at Pinebrook Bible Conference.

Ministerial Convention Committee: Howard N. Wells, Chairman; Charles E. Cole, Secretary; Ralph E. Ritter, Treasurer; C. Larry Bennett, Allan R. Vivona, Ronald C. Mahurin, Advisor.

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