2004 Report of Pinebrook

Report of the

Board of Directors, Pinebrook Bible Conference

The commitment of Pinebrook Bible Conference is to honor and please God and to minister to the Christian community. Our outreach is to the believer and to those who need Christ. This goal is achieved through Bible conferences, retreats, seminars, banquets, personal witness and the housing of East Stroudsburg Christian Academy. Each year, thousands come to Pinebrook Bible Conference to enjoy the facilities and to be blessed by God. Many decisions are made either to trust Christ or to follow Him and the Church is the better for it.

Ministry for God is often challenged and Pinebrook Bible Conference is no exception to this fact. After enjoying a fairly sound financial year in 2002, we have struggled in 2003. However, God is faithful and all obligations have been met. We praise Him for meeting our needs. Friends of Pinebrook responded generously to appeals that were made. Some staff-related situations have kept us looking to the Lord for wisdom and direction. Alva C. Cassel has served as acting director during this time, at the request of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Bible Conference.

Despite some of these challenges, the program and projects at the conference center have continued on. The long-awaited-and-needed restrooms adjoining the dining hall have been installed for the convenience of our guests. A new loading dock and an extensive upgrading of our kitchen, including the electrical service has been done. This also included paving and a new drain at the front of the dining area. These things along with other upgrades continue to make Pinebrook Bible Conference a place to be enjoyed and to comfortably worship God.

We thank the Lord for our capable, faithful and dedicated staff both full-time and part-time who share the vision of Pinebrook Bible Conference and work here to serve the Lord in the conference ministry.

Board of Directors, Pinebrook Bible Conference, Alva C. Cassel, Chairman & President; David T. Allen, Vice Chairman & Vice President; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; Lee E. Boyles, Treasurer; Carl Ackerman, Jonathon W. Arnold, Sr., Charles E. Cole, Brian H. Cooper, Jay H. Fasnacht, Kermit K. Gehman, LeRoy O. Herb, Gerald Schlonecker, Hans Waldvogel

Alva C. Cassel, Acting Director; Nate Brosius, Director of Operations

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