2005 Report of Christian Education

Report of the Board of Christian Education

The Committee met four times this year to provide input and leadership for the Christian Education ministries of the Bible Fellowship Church. Much of our work was done by sub-committees.

A significant amount of work was done in an effort to finalize the teaching materials for the Biblical Principles for Living. We are grateful for the excellent and extensive work of the Board in this area and are glad to be able to provide these valuable resources for the local churches. The entire package of teaching materials is now available on line at www.bfc.org.

The Pastor, Elder, Deacon Retreat was held November 5 & 6 with Dr. Jeff Rosenau from Accountability Ministries. With an attendance of 87, we along with the Strategic Planning Committee have concluded that a PED Retreat should not be scheduled for 2005. We will work with the Strategic Planning Committee to provide a more meaningful leadership training ministry for our pastors, elders, and deacons in the future and invite your input for our consideration.

The Family Ministry Committee hosted two regional “Simply Romantic Nights” for couples from the Lebanon area and from the Wallingford area. These evenings included encouraging speakers, a dessert buffet, and a gift for each participating couple. Both evenings were well received and encouraging for participants. More regional family/couple oriented events are being considered for the year ahead.

The CE Training Committee hosted a Teacher Training Day on April 2, 2005. These events will be scheduled on an 18 month cycle to encourage broader participation. Teacher Training Days are well received and participants have expressed deep appreciation for the practical help they gain.

During the past year we reviewed the sections in the Faith and Order related to Sunday Bible Schools and found them to be acceptable. We noted that the bylaws in 702-2 are in the Appendix to the Faith and Order and are suggested rather than required. We believe these suggested bylaws are still adequate and useful.

The Board of Christian Education is open and responsive to the concerns, ideas, and needs of the local churches and pastors. Please contact any of us with your input.

Board of Christian Education: Richard T. Paashaus, Chairman; Michael L. Herb, Secretary; Judy D. Alhouse, G. Wayne Clapier, Jonathan P. Tait, Carol A. Gearhart, Nancy Mertus, Mark L. Morrison, Beth A. Wiegand, David W. Eisenhower, J. Mark McCreary, David N. Schoen.

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