2005 Report of Conference Pastor

Report of the Conference Pastor

If the Lord invited you, as he did Solomon to, “Ask what you wish me to give you,” (1 Kings 3:1-15) what would be your answer? Think about it. Solomon’s answer was, “Thy servant is in the midst of thy people which thou hast chosen who cannot be numbered or counted for the multitude.”

You, like Solomon, have been called by God to serve Him. Your responsibilities are great, so great it is not uncommon for some to conclude, as did Solomon, “I am but a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in.” These days of unparalleled uncertainties call for servants of the Lord who are not “faint at heart” but who humbly acknowledge their own human frailties and inadequacies and ask the Lord to, “Give thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people to discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of thine?” The Lord was pleased with Solomon’s answer and the attitude it conveyed and granted him, “a wise and discerning heart.”

The BFC has every reason to give glory to God for His faithfulness to His word and His invitation: “If any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all men generously and without reproach and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5) One definition of wisdom is: “Seeing life from God’s point of view.” Every pastor, elder, deacon, leader in the local congregation, board member, committee member, member of BFC agency leaders and staff, all of us who serve the Lord Christ must seek the wisdom of God as we worship and work together for His glory.

In His wisdom and grace, God once again has shown Himself powerful in His blessing upon the BFC. We praise Him for every soul who has come to Christ and every believer who has been baptized and joined the Church. We thank Him for every church that is supplied with a pastor or pastoral staff and we continue to pray for several churches that remain without a pastor. Pray for wisdom as they seek God in supplying their need.

According to Charles A. Wickman, president of Pastor-in-Residence of Virginia Beach, Virginia, “1400 or more pastors every month are being forced out of ministry.” I thank God there exists a ministry to pastors who are experiencing such a crisis in their life. I thank God for the Ministerial Relations Committee of the BFC and the Annual Conference who see the wisdom in supporting the office of Conference Pastor as we seek to be a help and encouragement to our pastors.

One of the tangible ways our pastors and their families, who experience some special need, are being helped is through the Darlene J. Mahurin memorial fund. This past year sixteen families were assisted through gifts totaling $2359.50. During last Annual Conference a special offering was received to help replenish this fund. Because many Conference members mentioned they wished they had known such an opportunity to participate in helping our pastors would be given at Annual Conference, this year we are informing you in advance so you and your congregation will be prepared. Checks may be made out to: Cedar Crest BFC, designated DJM Memorial Fund and sent to Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church, 1151 South Cedar Crest Boulevard, Allentown, PA 18103, or you may bring your gift to Annual Conference and give it to me.

In His wisdom, three of God’s choice servants, our beloved pastors’ wives, Pauline Thomann, Carolyn Barber, Lois (Gay) Pauley were taken from us to be present with the Lord. Each one is greatly missed but remembered with deep appreciation for her love and devotion to Christ. We pray for each husband who remains to complete God’s purpose for his life.

May our all-wise God be pleased with our attitude of heart expressed in the request “Give us wisdom and an understanding heart to discern…” “…what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”

Please accept my sincere thanks for your prayers, encouragement, and support of the office of Conference Pastor in which I am so privileged to serve.

Your co-laborer in Christ,

Ronald C. Mahurin

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