2005 Report of Ethnic Church Planting

Report of the Ethnic Church Planting Committee

The Joint Committee met seven times during the past year and continues to concentrate its efforts on Hispanic Church Planting, particularly in the Berks County region working in conjunction with the BFC Churches. A Berks Resource Team replaced the Berks Task Force which had initially been instrumental in laying the ground work for the arrival of Carlos and Alejandra Rodriguz, our missionaries from Guadalajara, Mexico. The Resource Team assisted the Rodriguez’s in the formative stages of moving, furnishing their home, and introducing them into their new culture. The Team continues to assist them in many ways associated with their ministry.

On July 11th a Commissioning Service was held for Carlos and Alejandra in their Home Church in Guadalajara, Mexico. Randall Grossman, Robert Sloan and Elliot Ramos attended and represented the BFC. The Rodriguez family arrived in Reading on the evening of July 15th. Their new home church is Grace BFC and they have been active not only there but also in our other Berks Churches. A men’s and a women’s Bible study have been started by Carlos and Ale. They are experiencing the firstfruits of their ministry as two Hispanic women and a Hispanic man have accepted Christ thus far. The seeds for our second Hispanic Church are already beginning to bear fruit.

Pray with the Joint Committee for the Lord’s leading where our next Hispanic Church Plant will be. Preliminary discussions have been held with CAM International [Central American Mission founded in 1890 by Dr. C. I. Scofield. This is an experienced Hispanic Church Planting Mission which works with fundamental churches in starting Hispanic Churches, both at home and abroad. They have experienced missionaries living in the Lancaster – Lebanon area where we are considering starting a church. The Joint Committee is in the process of gathering information about CAM and its doctrine.

Finally, we want to encourage our churches in the BFC to become involved to reach out to Hispanic people groups in their ministry areas. The Lord has given us great opportunities to minister to this long- neglected people group in our country. Our calling is to share the Gospel and raise up churches where the Lord is worshipped and exalted. We encourage Annual Conference to continue its support for ethnic church planting and to give to this work through the Fund For Ethnic Church Planting. Send your contributions to the Board Of Missions, designated for Ethnic Church Planting.

Ethnic Joint Planning Committee: John C. Elias, Donald Faust, David E. Gundrum, Elliot Ramos, David K. Schlonecker, Dana E. Weller.

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