2005 Report of Ministerial Convention Committee

Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee

The Annual Ministerial Convention was held on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 28 and 29, 2004 at Pinebrook Bible Conference Center.

The Conference theme was entitled: “CEO or Shepherd or What?”. Four sessions were held which included the following topics: “Pastoral Ministry in God’s Sight,” “Knowing the Boundaries”, “Expectations and Misperceptions”, and “Serving the Lord with Gladness”. Each session was taught by Dr. Gil Peterson, Chancellor of Lancaster Bible College. These sessions were encouraging, instructional and helpful as Dr. Peterson shared from his heart many of the lessons he has learned through the years concerning leadership issues as they affect pastors. The women had a planned time of fellowship and interaction while the pastors met for their business meeting on Tuesday evening.

At the business meeting, Gerald D. Clark was elected to serve on the 2005 committee.

The Committee is constituted as follows:

2004 Convention Committee 2005 Convention Committee

Howard Wells, Chairman Howard N. Wells, Chairman

Charles E. Cole, Secretary Charles E. Cole, Secretary

Ralph Ritter, Treasurer Ralph E. Ritter, Treasurer

C. Larry Bennett Gerald D. Clark

Allan R. Vivona Allan R. Vivona

Ronald C. Mahurin, Advisor Ronald C. Mahurin, Advisor

Length of terms are as follows:

1 year – Charles E. Cole, Ralph E. Ritter

2 years – Allan R. Vivona, Howard N. Wells

3 years – Jerry Clark

The 2005 Ministerial Convention is scheduled for September 27,28, 2005. The theme will be “The Power of One Word – Trust” addressing the matter of “developing a culture of trust in a climate of grace” in ministry and relationships. This will be based on the book Beyond Your Best written by Bill Thrall, Ken McElrath, and Bruce McNicol. Our guest speakers will be Glenn Miller and Joseph Palmer from Arizona. They have been trained to present this helpful information. Glenn is a son-in-law of Pastor Ron Mahurin. Plan to attend the 2005 Ministerial Convention at Pinebrook Bible Conference. Books can be purchased in advance at Annual Conference.

Ministerial Convention Committee: Howard N. Wells, Chairman; Charles E. Cole, Secretary; Ralph E. Ritter, Treasurer; Gerald D. Clark; Allan R. Vivona; Ronald C. Mahurin, Advisor.

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