2005 Report of Pinebrook

Report of the Pinebrook Bible Conference

Jesus never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever – an eternal truth upon which we cling. However, within the spectrum of His unchangableness, there is a lot of change, especially within the ministry. Pinebrook has experienced some of that this year.

Our directorship is under a totally new leadership team. Nate Brosius, J. Mark McCreary, and Alva C. Cassel – former Director, Director of Ministries, and Acting Director, respectively, have left the employ of Pinebrook. In their place are Daniel P. Allen, Director, and Errin Mulberry, Associate.

Dan, no stranger to Pinebrook, has been the Board’s secretary for many years. After over 23 years of ministry to the Ephrata BFC, he and his wife, Vonnie, felt led to accept the call to this new position. As Director he will oversee the entire ministry of Pinebrook and represent Pinebrook to the BFC churches and Christian community. To this end he is available to fill pulpits and speak at various events.

Errin comes to us from Harvey Cedars Camp in New Jersey. His ability to manage and oversee the operations of the conference center fills a great need at Pinebrook. He is also available to represent Pinebrook.

The physical plant of Pinebrook is always in a state of change, as, we hope, the facilities get better and improve. Presently, the indoor pool is receiving much needed repairs. The completion of this project, costing close to $75,000, for which we are still soliciting funds, will enhance the retreat season.

One of the things that has not changed at Pinebrook is the outstanding summer conference season – 8 weeks of family camp. Speakers for this coming year include: Pastor Tom Wright, Tom Taylor, Ron Blue, Randy Grossman, Dave Virkler, Donald Hubbard, John Brand and Todd Mangum. Saturday evening concerts have always been a positive feature. This year’s list includes: The Kings Army, Calling Levi, Don Wyrtzen, Damaris Carbaugh, Down East Boys, Daniel Decker, This Hope, and Brian Popin. Summer 2005 looks like a great one. We hope you and your church will be involved.

Retreats continue to make up 75% of our revenue. Churches, Christian schools and ministries fill in most weekends from the end of August to the middle of June with often over 300 attendees.

Financially, the Conference is holding its own, however, it would gladly receive contributions from our BF churches. Contributions can be sent to: Pinebrook Bible Conference, PO Box 1, Stroudsburg, PA 18360.

With the position change of the Board’s secretary creating a vacancy and the moving of a layman to a pastor, the Board recommended and appointed Charles Bomgardener to take the place of David T. Allen until the 122nd Annual Conference. Charlie has had a great relationship with Pinebrook and brings the expertise of a manager to the board.

Wishing you Joy in Jesus,

Dan Allen

Board of Directors, Pinebrook Bible Conference, Alva C. Cassel, Chairman & President; David T. Allen, Vice Chairman & Vice President; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; Lee E. Boyles, Treasurer; Carl Ackerman, Jonathon W. Arnold, Sr., Charles Bomgardner, Charles E. Cole, Brian H. Cooper, Jay Fasnacht, Kermit K. Gehman, LeRoy O. Herb, Gerald Schlonecker, Hans R. Waldvogel

Daniel P. Allen, Director; Errin G. Mulberry, Associate

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