2006 Conference Reporter

Report of the 123rd Annual Conference
of the Bible Fellowship Church


            At ten o’clock, April 24, 2006, the 123rd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church came to order at the call of Chairman Randall A. Grossman. The approximately 150 official members—BFC pastors, lay delegates and missionaries— met on the grounds of Pinebrook Bible Conference in Stroudsburg, PA.

            Chairman Grossman opened the convocation with prayer for the churches, their leaders, BFC agencies and the work of the conference. Pastor Richard T. Paashaus of Calvary BFC, Coopersburg, PA, was worship leader. The general theme for the daily worship sessions was “The Lord’s Prayer for God’s Glory.” (John 17)

            Daniel P. Allen, the first speaker, presented “Christ’s Passion About God’s Glory,” using John 17:1-5. “Christ demonstrated His passion for glorifying the Father. Christ is our example and we must do ‘all to the glory of God,’” he said, as he referred to the large motto which graces the front of the meeting hall.

            By 11 a.m., routine work associated with the opening of conference began with the roll call. Numerous reports were received.

Monday Highlights

● Fourteen first-time attenders were introduced, including 11 delegates, two missionaries and one pastor. Carl C. Cassel led in prayer thanking God “for the lay elders He is raising up in our churches.”

● The Credentials Committee introduced three men, two of whom would be ordained: Gerald D. Clark and Donald E. Kuntzman; and Robert K. Fields whose prior ordination would be recognized. The service of ordination is to take place May 22 at Cedar Crest BFC, Allentown, PA.

● All men working under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee were introduced. They included 13 who serve churches on pastoral staffs and three who work in Church Extension Ministries.

● The Board of Directors announced that Calvary BFC, Scranton, PA, church would be closed with the congregation having the responsibility to sell the property.

● Conference Pastor Ronald C. Mahurin offered special prayer for six churches currently without pastors. He also prayed specifically for Pastor William Bartron who is gravely ill.

● The three-year appointments of Dana E. Weller and David E. Gundrum, directors of Board of Missions and Church Extension Ministries respectively were ratified.

● In the evening session, 21 retired and active BFC missionaries under the care of the Board of Missions were introduced.

● Reports from the ten regions of churches within the denomination and prayer for each region ended the first day’s session.


            Tuesday, April 25, began with corporate worship led by Pastor Paashaus. Following this, reports were received from boards and committees that had functioned throughout the year. Right before the lunch break, the Study Committee on Women in the Office of Deacon presented its report. The article titled “Deacons” was approved by two-thirds vote. This opens the possibility of women serving as local church deacons since the office of deacon is presented in Scripture as an office not of ruling but of service. The make-up of a church’s deacon board will be determined by each Particular Church.

            Another important report was presented by the Study Committee on the Process and Purpose of God’s Calling People to Salvation. Committee chairman Pastor Calvin Reed noted that to clarify what we understand regarding this issue is not divisive but rather unifying. He said the study was necessary so that the article would be easily understood at cursory reading, and any perceived ambiguity regarding our salvation position would be removed. All changes were approved.

            In the evening Pastor Jonathon W. Arnold, Grace BFC, Nazareth, PA, delivered a message, “Our Reflection of God’s Glory,” (John 17:6-19). Christ continually advanced God’s glory and will. He concluded with the challenging question, “How can we reflect God’s glory on earth?”

Tuesday Highlights

● There was a joyful Service of Recognition of Fellowship Community BFC, Whitehall, PA (our second BFC church in Whitehall) as a Particular Church and full member of Annual Conference. This unique church serves the community of Fellowship Manor, Fellowship Terrace and Fellowship Courts.

● Marcos Gaspar Ramirez Montalvo, Pastor of Iglesia Biblica La Roca, addressed conference. He had just arrived from Merida Yucatan, Mexico and was presented to Conference by BFC Church Planter. Carlos Rodriguez. The wives of these two men are sisters.


            This day’s sessions began with the singing of All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (glorious sound!). Pastor Kenneth Keeler, Faith BFC of York, PA presented, “Our Participation in God’s Glory,” (John 17:24-26). Christ’s desire for us to participate in His glory should cause us to grow to be like Christ, focus on Him and have victory over sin.

            On this final day, much time was allotted for consideration of recommendations of conference Boards and Committees, approval of minutes, and completion of elections.

Wednesday Highlights

 Over the three days, the total conference body elected approximately 70 individuals to positions on conference boards and committees.

● Over 30 reports from boards and committee were received, and in some cases, discussed. There was much effort and many person-hours that had been expended on the work of these groups between the 122nd and 123rd Annual Conferences.

● Pastors and delegates represented 60 Bible Fellowship churches and mission churches located in: Connecticut, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York and Virginia.

Note: Please see the June issue of Fellowship News which will be devoted to a more extensive report about Annual Conference. The Bible Fellowship Church Yearbook 2006 will contain a detailed record of all conference activities.

Carol Z. Snyder

Conference Reporter

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