2006 Report of BFC Homes

Report of the

Board of the Homes, Inc.

            We often hear of the familiar saying “Old age is a matter of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter!” This has been David Golden’s attitude. At the age of 86, David continues to work 35-40 hours per week building cabinets and other items for Fellowship Community Church, Fellowship Manor, Fellowship Terrace and the residents at Fellowship Courts. David and his wife live in Musselman Court.

            David’s remarkable feat is a reminder to each of us that we must stay active as long as we can. Far too many folks hit middle and older age and put the body in neutral. And Christians too often put their service for Jesus Christ in the same inactive mode.

            Each of us has a responsibility to God as long as He gives us physical and mental strength, to work heartily “as to the Lord” (Colossians 3:23). We are never called to retire from life and coast home to Heaven.

            The psalmist said that the righteous “shall still bear fruit in old age” (Psalm 92:14). For those who are physically able, that means continuing in active service. For those who can no longer move about, that means being active in prayer and in quiet service.

            The mission of Fellowship Community Church is to continue serving Jesus Christ and to encourage each resident to understand that old age doesn’t stop us from bearing fruit.

            2005 was a very active year on the campus of Fellowship Community and we have achieved the following goals:

• Fellowship Community has been certified to function as a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) by the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance.

• Fellowship Community has obtained approvals to begin construction of 34 new independent units known as Kauffman and Wentz Courts. Construction should begin in 2006.

• Fellowship Community has completed three quarters of the Park Project with memorial gifts, etc., in the amount of $220,000. The remainder of the project will be completed when expected grants are received in 2006.

• Fellowship Manor and Fellowship Terrace remain at 98% occupancy. Fellowship Courts remains fully occupied with completed applications for another 50 units.

• Fellowship Community has initiated a fund drive to purchase two new mini vans and other miscellaneous medical equipment.

• Fellowship Community Church became a BF Mission Church under the authority of the Board of Church Extension. The organizing Elders and the Board of Church Extension completed preparation to present Fellowship Community Church to the BFC Annual Conference for consideration to become a Particular Church of the Bible Fellowship Church.

• Fellowship Community is blessed to have the Board of Church Extension offices relocated to our campus. The move has been encouraging to the staff and the residents living on the campus.

• Fellowship Manor and Fellowship Terrace initiated and installed a new extensive fire alarm and security system throughout the facility to maintain compliance with the new Federal and State Life Safety regulations at a cost of approximately $120,000.

• Fellowship Community maintains a sound financial position. We are in compliance with all Board convenant requirements. Fellowship Community is thankful for the contributions from the BFC. The year 2005 demonstrated that Fellowship Manor and Fellowship Terrace lost $921,250 due to our Medicaid participation in the Manor and the charitable living provided to 10-12 residents in the Terrace. The $921,250 is based on cost not charges. The loss is made up by the private pay residents and contributions from churches and individuals. Fellowship Community continues to provide priority to BFC Members regardless of financial status. All contributions from the churches are directed toward providing direct care to needy residents.

            The Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. Board of Directors is thankful for your support and continuous prayers.

Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. Board of Directors: LeRoy S. Heller, Chairman; Robert H. Zentz, President/CEO; Dean A. Stortz, Vice Chairman; William H. Bartron, Secretary; John W. Trauch, Treasurer; David W. Cole, Robert A. Erland, Robin Musselman, D. Thomas Phillips, Ralph E. Ritter, Glenn Ruoss, Henry U. Sandt, Jr., Hans R. Waldvogel.

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