2006 Report of Conference Pastor

Report of the

Conference Pastor

            At the young age of 25, Hezekiah was handed the awesome responsibility of being the King of Israel. For his entire life, he had lived under the negative influence of his father, Ahaz, of whom it is written, “did not do right in the sight of the Lord.” (2 Chr. 28:1) And yet it is written of Hezekiah, “he did right in the sight of the Lord.” (2Chr. 29:2) In fact, during the very first year of his reign, Hezekiah, “opened the doors of the house of God and repaired them.” He called together the priests and Levites and challenged them to, “ Consecrate yourselves now, and consecrate the house of the Lord the God of your fathers, and carry the uncleanness out from the holy place.” (2 Chr. 29:5) Hezekiah made a covenant with the Lord and challenged the leaders to, “Not be negligent now, for the Lord has chosen you to stand before Him, to minister to Him, and to be His ministers and burn incense.” (2 Chr. 29:11) The spiritual leaders responded in obedience and the result was revival.

            Revival is not a term we hear much these days. It is on the lips of only a few and in the prayers of less. What is often lamented is the lack of consecration and commitment on the part of so many and the weariness that accompanies those who are doing so much. I invite you to join me in making a fresh covenant with the Lord to be purposefully obedient to Him and a credible example of a truly consecrated, committed servant of God to the flock He has called you to shepherd. May we join in the prayer of the Psalmist: “Revive me according to thy lovingkindness, so that I may keep the testimony of thy mouth.” (Ps. 119:88) Then, we may be encouraged with His faithfulness as expressed in Isaiah 57:15, “For thus says the high and exalted One who lives forever, whose name is Holy, I dwell on a high and holy place, and also with the contrite and lowly of spirit in order to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.”

            Throughout this conference year, seven of our churches remain without a pastor. I thank the Lord for our retired pastors and men serving our agencies who have faithfully supplied these pulpits week after week. Because we continue to lack enough men who are eligible to be called as pastor to one of these churches, I encourage all of us to, “beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” (Matt. 9:38). I am committed to following every lead to men who are known to be called into the gospel ministry. I have had recent interviews with college students, pastors serving outside the BFC, elders within the Bible Fellowship Church who are presently taking correspondence courses while continuing their present employment and serving their local congregation. It is my prayer many of these will seek credentials with us and eventually each of our churches will be supplied with a pastor. Please make this need a regular part of your prayer life and that of your congregation.

            Continual praise to the Lord is given for the pastors He has given us. These brethren are deserving of our prayers as they remain true to God’s Word and faithfully proclaim the Word without compromise. We also give thanks for our elders and deacons who share diligently in the ministry of the gospel. We especially remember the many years of faithful service of our brothers, Lee Boyles, Sal Roseti, and Paul Rutman and our sister Cordelia (Dell) Dunn, wife of retired pastor John Dunn, each of whom are now, “with the Lord.”

Because of the gracious love gift received during Annual Conference we were able to give a total of sixteen hundred dollars ($1600), from the Darlene J. Mahurin Memorial Fund, to twelve pastors and their families. These expressions of love have been a great source of encouragement to these choice servants of the Lord.

            With your acceptance of this report, I complete five years of service as your Conference Pastor. I count it a great privilege to serve Christ and His church in this office. God has graciously provided me safety as I have driven over 50,000 miles throughout our conference of churches.

            I am continually blessed and encouraged by the assistance I receive from the Ministerial Relations Committee and the welcome I enjoy from our pastors and congregations. I am very mindful of your prayers and gracious support and thank you sincerely.

            Let’s just praise the Lord for, “Choosing us to stand before Him, to minister to Him and to be His ministers…” (2 Chron. 29:11)

Your co-laborer in Christ,

Ronald C. Mahurin, Conference Pastor

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