2006 Report of Ministerial Convention Committee

Report of the

Ministerial Convention Committee

            The annual Ministerial Convention was held on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 27 – 28, 2005 at Pinebrook Bible Conference.

            The conference theme was entitled: “The Power of One Word – TRUST.” The speakers were Glenn Miller (son-in-law of Ronald C. Mahurin) and Gil Palmer who came from Colorado to address the matter of trust in ministry and relationships. They led us and shared insights based on the training they have received from the authors of the book Beyond Your Best written by Bill Thrall, Ken McElrath, and Bruce NcNicol. It was the desire of the Ministerial Convention Committee that the sessions would help pastors and our wives as they seek to minister with their leaderships to foster a “culture of trust in a climate of grace” in our personal lives, churches and ministries.

            At the business meeting Raymond R. Bertolet and Philip E. Yerrington were elected to serve, replacing Charles E. Cole and Ralph E. Ritter whose terms expired. We offer our thanks for the excellent services of both Charles E. Cole and Ralph E. Ritter.

The Committee is constituted as follows:

            2005 Convention Committee                       2006 Convention Committee

            Howard N. Wells, Chairman                          Howard N. Wells, Chairman

            Charles E. Cole, Secretary                              Allan R. Vivona, Secretary

            Ralph E. Ritter, Treasurer                              Gerald D. Clark, Treasurer

            Gerald D. Clark                                              Raymond R. Bertolet

            Allan R. Vivona                                             Philip E. Yerrington

            Ronald C. Mahurin, Advisor                          Ronald C. Mahurin, Advisor

    Length of terms are as follows:

1 year – Allan R. Vivona, Howard N. Wells

2 years – Gerald D. Clark

            3 years – Raymond R. Bertolet, Philip E. Yerrington

            The 2006 Ministerial Convention is scheduled for September 26-27, 2006. The theme will be an expansion on the subject of healthy church development. Our guest speaker will be Carl Shank of Natural Church Development.

Ministerial Convention Committee: Howard N. Wells, Chairman; Allan R. Vivona, Secretary; Gerald D. Clark, Treasurer; Raymond R. Bertolet, Philip E. Yerrington, Ronald C. Mahurin, Advisor.

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