2006 Report of Nominations

Report of the

Nominations Committee

            OFFICE                                            UP FOR RE-ELECTION    OTHER NOMINEES

Ministerial Relations Committee 

            Elect 1 Minister for 3 Years               William G. Schlonecker         Jonathan W. Arnold, Sr.

                                                                                                                        Ralph M. Soper

Ralph M. Soper, Senior Pastor, Bethel BFC, Emmaus

My serving on the Credentials Committee has given me the desire to help our churches and pastors to have relationships pleasing to the Lord.

            Elect 1 Elder for 3 Years                                                                    Stephen J. Kauffman

                                                                                                                        Glendon R. LeSuer

Stephen J. Kauffman

            Elder, Harleysville BFC; General Manager, Marcho Farms Inc.

Glendon R. LeSuer

            Elder, SS Teacher, Harleysville BFC; Distributor Sales Representative for Ingersoll – Rand

Board of Directors of BFC

            Elect 2 Ministers for 3 Years              David J. Watkins                    David T. Allen

                                                                                                                        Raymond R. Dotts

David T. Allen, Assoc. Pastor, Cedar Crest BFC, Allentown, Pa

I grew up in the home of a pastor in the BFC and have been a member of a BFC church for most of my life – almost 40 years. After graduating from Biblical Seminary I spent 15 years working as a computer and business consultant and worked with the BFC Board of Directors in a consulting capacity. I currently serve as Associate Pastor at Cedar Crest with administrative responsibilities and have spent the last 20 years working with Pinebrook Bible Conference as Financial Secretary and as a member of the Board.

            Elect 1 Elder for 3 Years                    Charles A. Lavigna                 Ellis L. Hostetter

Charles A. Lavigna

            Elder, Reading BFC; Owner of Green Valley Nursery, Inc.

Board of Church Extension

            Elect 2 Ministers for 3 Years              Kenneth D. Keeler                              Gene W. Smith

William G. Schlonecker

Kenneth D. Keeler, Pastor, York, Pa.

            I have a burden for this ministry and I enjoy ministering on this board.

Gene W. Smith,Pastor, Bethany BFC, Whitehall, Pa.

I served on a “Home Missions Board” (Church Extension) in the denomination I came from 15 years ago. I served in that capacity for a number of years. I was very active, in that I was also a church planter in that denomination.

            Elect 2 Elders for 3 Years                  William R. Singletary                         Clair Harstead

                                                                                                                                    Alfred G. Roberts

Alfred G. Roberts

Elder, SS Teacher, Delegate, Chairman of Missions Committee, Harleysville BFC; Retired Deputy Managing Editor for the Morning Call.

William R. Singletary

            Retired elder, Wallingford BFC; retired G.E. Senior Systems Engineer

Board of Christian Education

            Elect 2 Ministers for 3 Years                                                                          Eric R. North

            Elect 2 Laypersons for 3 Years          Carol A. Gearhart                               Scott G. Ott

                                                                                                                                    Marianne T. Roth

                                                                                                                                    J. Richard Vroman

Carol Ann Gearhart

            Blandon BFC; Retired Librarian for Kutztown University

J. Richard Vroman

Elder, Children’s Ministry Director, Piscataway BFC; Quality Assurance Tech. For Pathmark Stores, Inc.

Board of Directors of BFC Homes, Inc.

            Elect 1 Minister for 3 Years               William H. Bartron                             Gene W. Smith

William H. Bartron

I have a great love for the ministry of the Board of the Homes and have served on the Board for a number of years most of which in the capacity as Secretary of the Board.

Gene W. Smith, Pastor, Bethany BFC, Whitehall, Pa.

            I previously served on the board for 6 years.

            Elect 1 Layperson for 3 Years            Glenn D. Ruoss                                  Rick C. Davis

Rick C. Davis

            Elder, Worship Committee, SS Teacher, Pastoral Relations Committee, Ebenezer BFC;

            Clinical Manager at Young’s Medical/Air Products Healthcare.

Board of Victory Valley

            Elect 1 Minister for 3 Years                                                               Ronald C. Erb

            Elect 2 Laypersons for 3 Years          Rodney P. Plows                    Jay Breish

                                                                        Gary J. Wolfinger                   Bernice L. Mann

                                                                                                                        Rachel E. Norris

Jay Breish

Sr. High Youth Leader, SS Teacher, Solution Developer/Computer Programmer for Compu-Tutor

Bernice L. Mann

SS Teacher, Coopersburg BFC; Retired School Teacher in Bethlehem Area Schools, has been on the board before.

Rachel E. Norris

            Senior High youth leader, teacher at East Stroudsburg Christian Academy

Rodney P. Plows

            Elder, Youth Leader, SS Teacher. Nazareth BFCFacilities Tech., Allentown Rescue Mission,

Gary J. Wolfinger

            Deacon, Quakertown BFC; Assistant Manager of Swan’s Pantry

Board of Missions

            Elect 2 Ministers for 3 Years              Thomas P. Shorb                    Kevin W. Kirkpatrick

                                                                        Robert A. Sloan, Jr.                Philip E. Yerrington

            Thomas P. Shorb, Pastor, Coopersburg BFC

            Global missions is a passion in my life. 

            Philip E. Yerrington, Pastor, Graterford BFC

My wife and I served for twenty years in an evangelism, church planting, and church development ministry in Spain with TEAM. After that time I served as a church relations representative for four years with the same mission.

             Elect 1 Layperson for 3 Years                                                            Robert W. Davies

                                                                                                                        Susanne R. Figard

            Robert W. Davies

            Elder, SS Teacher. Emmaus BFC; Computer programmer for Day – Timers 

            Susanne R. Figard

President of the Women’s Missionary Fellowship, Ministries team, Cedar Crest BFC; Psychiatric Nurse for Lehigh Valley ACT.

            Elect 1 Layperson for 2 Years            Remaining Names

Board of Directors of Pinebrook Bible Conference

            Elect 2 Ministers for 3 Years              Jonathan W. Arnold, Sr.         Robert A. Johnson, II

                                                                        Charles E. Cole

            Charles E. Cole, Sen. Pastor, Sunbury BFC,

I have served for two terms already on the Board of Directors of Pinebrook. I bring a pastor’s heart of compassion to delicate issues and a heart of discernment for ongoing concerns. I am committed to this ministry and to Bible conference and camp ministries in general. I have participated in or attended Bible conferences or Christian camps during my 36 years of ministry. Responsibilities of the Board at Pinebrook fit my schedule and distance well.

            Elect 3 Laymen for 3 Years                Gerald L. Schlonecker            Nelson K. Randolph

                                                                        Charles F. Webb                     Robert H. Zentz

Hans R. Waldvogel

Nelson K. Randolph

            Cedar Crest BFC; Short-term Parnership Coordinator, Board of Missions

Gerald L. Schlonecker

            Bethel BFC, EmmausRetired elder, Food Service Director for the Allentown Hospital

Hans R. Waldvogel

            Faith BFC, Holmes; Director of Engineering at Jamaica Hospital.

Robert H. Zentz

Elder, Chairperson of PRC, Delegate, Bethel BFC, Emmaus, President and CEO of Fellowship Com.

Strategic Planning Committee

            Elect 1 Minister for 3 Years               Dana E. Weller

Dana E. Weller – Presently serving.

            Elect 1 Elder for 3 Years                    Robert H. Zentz                      Robert T. Evans

            Robert T. Evans

Elder, missions committee, Wallingford BFC; President of BCM International until December 2005, in active ministry with BCM as Ambassador-At-Large

            Robert H. Zentz

Elder, Chairperson of PRC, Delegate from Bethel BFC, Emmaus, President and CEO of Fellowship Community.

            Elect 1 Elder for 1 Year                                                                      Remaining names       

Board of Youth and Young Adults

            Elect 2 Ministers for 3 Years              Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr.       Kevin W. Kirkpatrick

                                                                        William J. Dunn                     Eric R. North

Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr. Assoc. Pastor, Grace BFC, Reading, Pa.

I have served six years as a Board member and am currently leading the youth ministry at Grace Bible Fellowship Church.

Billy Dunn. School of Church and Community Ministries at Philadelphia Biblical University

I have served on the BYYA for the past 5 years and currently coordinate all Sno-Glo activities. I served as the Youth Pastor at the Emmaus BFC for 8.5 years and currently teach in School of Church and Community Ministries at Philadelphia Biblical University specifically in the area of Youth Ministry and Organizational Leadership. I also serve part-time at Push The Rock and I am under the direction of the Boards of Missions. We currently raise half of our salary.

Eric North. Pastor, Community BFC, Howell

            I have done youth ministry in the past and currently teach our youth group of

            approximately 20. I can also bring a parental and pastoral perspective to the Board.

            Elect 1 Layperson for 3 Years            Regina S. Gotchel

Regina S. Gotchel

She served a 1 year term this last year on this committee. She served in Awana for 14 years, several of those years as director. She has three teenaged children and a seven year old.

Board of Higher Education

            Elect 1 Minister for 3 Years               John C. Studenroth                  Ralph E. Ritter

John C. Studenroth. BFC Missionary

Ordained minister (30 years), ordained BFC minister (14 years), Pastor of the Kutztown BFC (9 years), elder at KBFC (12 years), BFC Missionary and chaplain to college faculty & students (6 years), adjunct instructor in biology at Pinebrook Junior College (7 years), BFC Board of Higher Education (secretary since inception, 12 years)

Ralph E. Ritter. Pastor, New Community BFC, Brooklyn, NY

Experience in the world of higher education, 6 years as a student needing financial aid and 3 as an employee.

            Elect 1 Layperson for 3 Years            Alan H. Russell                      Charles A. Bloomfield

                                                                                                                        Mark Evans

                                                                                                                        Karen Stull

                                                                                                                        Robert L. Tomlinson

Charles A. Bloomfield

Elder, SS Teacher, Missions Team, Substitute organist, Cedar Crest BFC; Principal of Lehigh Valley Christian High School.

Dr. Alan H. Russell:

Emmaus BFC; Senior Account Manager, Air Products & Chemicals (30 years); Adjunct Instructor (ret.), DeSales University (25 years) Board Chairman, Lehigh Valley Christian High School; Board Chairman, Collegiate Outreach Board

Robert L. Tomlinson

Elder, SS Teacher, Pocono Mtn, BFC; Administrator/Development Director of Faith Christian School, Roseto

            Elect 2 persons for 2 years                                                                 Remaining names 

Board of Pensions

            Elect 1 Active Minister for 3 Years    David N. Schoen

David N. Schoen, Senior Pastor, Bethel BFC, Emmaus

I am presently serving on the Board Of Pensions as the resident “dummy” who knows little of investing and therefore (at infrequent times) am able to ask questions that lead to clarifying statements and points which may be of help to others in the Annual Conference who are as investment-challenged as I am.

            Elect 2 Laypersons for 3 Years                                                          Jay H. Fasnacht

                                                                                                                        Robert Gaugler

                                                                                                                        Allen M. Gehman

Jay H. Fasnacht

            Was on the committee before

Robert Gaugler

            Elder, Graterford BFCCPA, Partner.

Board of Communications

            Elect 1 Minister for 3 Years               Ralph E. Ritter                        Allan R. Vivona 

Ralph E. Ritter. Pastor, New Community BFC, Brooklyn, NY

            Years of assisting Fellowship News through proofreading and writing.

Allan R. Vivona. Senior Pastor, Kutztown BFC

Last year I finished the manuscript of a book. While it is yet unpublished, God granted me the privilege of committing my thoughts, desires, hurts and sorrows to written speech.

Credentials Committee

            Elect 1 Minister for 3 Years               Ralph M. Soper                      Allan R. Vivona

Ralph M. Soper Senior Pastor, Bethel BFC, Emmaus

            I have been serving on this Committee for six years and I am currently the Secretary.

Allan R. Vivona. Senior Pastor, Kutztown BFC

I have had the opportunity to serve on ordination councils for more than a dozen men in my service prior to serving with the BFC and served as recording secretary for at least four of these.

Ministerial Candidate Committee

            Elect 2 Ministers for 3 Years              David E. Gundrum                 Ralph E. Ritter

                                                                                                                        Howard N. Wells

            Elect 1 Minister for 1 year                                                                  Jonathan W. Arnold

Historical Committee

            Elect 2 Persons for 3 Years                Carl C. Cassel                          John L. English

                                                                        Jill A. Davidson                      Kevin W. Kirkpatrick

            Jill A. Davidson

            SS Teacher at Graterford BFC, Clerk at Taylor Direct.

            John L. English

Elder, SS Teacher, Lebanon BFC; Retired Physics teacher at the Lebanon County School District

Conference Judicatory

            Elect 2 Ministers for 3 Years              Dean A. Stortz                        Ralph E. Ritter

                                                                        Gregory A. Uhrich                 Ralph M. Soper

            Ralph M. Soper, Senior Pastor, Bethel BFC, Emmaus

I have been serving in the pastorate since 1985 and with a counseling background I think I can listen and judge fairly.

            Dean A. Stortz, Pastor Ocean Co. BFC

            I have served on the Conference Judicatory for two previous terms.

            Elect 2 Elders for 3 Years                  L. James Roberts                     Les Moyer

                                                                        Ronald W.Reed

            Ronald W. Reed

            Elder, SS Superintendent, SS Teacher, Grace BFC, Reading; Emergency Dept. Physician

            Elect 1 Elder for 2 Years                                                                    Remaining Names

Special Appellate Judicatory

            Elect 1 Minister for 3 Years               John C. Studenroth                  Bruce A. Ellingson

            Elect 1 Elder for 3 Years                    Charles Lavigna

Committee on Nominations

            Elect 1 Minister for 3 Years                                                               Timothy S. Cowen

                                                                                                                        David R. Way

            Elect 1 Layperson for 3 Years            Charles D. Bomgardner          Mark S. Matson

            Mark S. Matson

            Elder, SS Teacher, Grace BFC, Quakertown; Manager of Friendly Book Store

            Charles D. Bomgardner

            Deacon, Youth sponsor at Lebanon BFC, systems analyst for Hershey Foods

Chairman of Annual Conference 

            Elect 1 Man for 1 Year                       Randall A. Grossman             Calvin T. Reed

            Calvin T. Reed, Pastor, Lebanon BFC

I chaired the Study Committee that prepared the Guide to Parliamentary Procedure for the 109th Annual Conference of the BFC.

Vice-Chairman of Annual Conference

            Elect 1 Man for 1 Year                       Clifford B. Boone                   Carl C. Cassel

                                                                        Remaining Names

            Clifford B. Boone. Senior Pastor, Cedar Crest BFC, Allentown

I have served as the Field Parliamentarian and as Chairman among the AIM missionaries in Tanzania and now have my experience as Sr. Pastor at Cedar Crest.

Secretary of Annual Conference

            Elect 1 Man for 1 Year                       David A. Thomann

Board of Church Health

            Pastors                                                                                                Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr.

                                                                                                                        Richard T. Paashaus 

                                                                                                                        Robert A. Sloan, Jr.

                                                                                                                        Dave A. Thomann

                                                                                                                        Carl K. Spackman

                                                                                                                        Byron Widger 

            Elders                                                                                                 Robert D. Carroll

                                                                                                                        Robert C. Kaatz

                                                                                                                        Ronald W. Reed

                                                                                                                        Clyde W. Snyder

                                                                                                                        Timothy D. Weaber

                                                                                                                        Robert H. Zentz

                                                                                                                        Gary A. Sterner

Nominating Committee: Thomas P. Shorb, Chairman; Howard N. Wells, Secretary; Ronald C. Erb, Nancy E. J. Grossman, Antoinette McCreary, Richard B. Ravis, Clyde W. Snyder

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