2007 Conference Reporter


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At ten a.m., Monday morning, April 23, 2007, the 124th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church was called to order by Chairman Randall A. Grossman. He led in prayer on behalf of the Bible Fellowship Church, asking God for wisdom and direction in the proceedings.

Pastor Rick Ravis, a pastor at Christ Community Church in Piscataway, NJ, served as worship leader. In the first service, a number of well-known hymns were sung by the approximately150 members of Conference. During subsequent times of worship, contemporary praise music was led by a praise band of pastors and delegates.

The conference theme was A Proclamation of Fellowship. Chairman Grossman was the Monday morning speaker; presenting the message titled, Fellowship Enjoyed in Great Wonder.

Routine business was conducted during the first session. The bar was established (voting members of conference), with most churches being represented by its pastor(s) and delegate (s). Larger churches had an additional representative. A large number of first-time members were introduced to the body. The chairman made routine appointments to positions such as parliamentarian, timekeeper and tellers.

During this first day, a unique opportunity was offered to BFC ordained men. The Konolds—Bob and Peg—from Calvary BFC in Coopersburg, PA, were present to take pictures of ordained minister and make ID cards. Bob, a retired state policeman, provided the equipment needed for this service. The Conference offers thanks to the Konolds for their volunteer service.

During this Conference, a record number of seven men were approved for ordination to the Christian ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church, with two of them being father and son, Ray and Tim Bertolet. Also, the former ordinations of two men were recognized.

All nine man were seated at the bar on Monday morning. The actual ordination ceremony occurred Tuesday night (see a full report with pictures in the June issue of Fellowship News.)

Also in Fellowship News you will be able to read a full report of an interesting Monday occurrence. Marcos Ramirez, pastor of Iglesia Biblica La Roca in Merida Yucatan, Mexico addressed Conference, noting that his church is praying for Annual Conference.

He has been in discussion with the Ethnic Church Planting Committee of the BFC regarding the possibility of his Mexican congregation becoming part of the BFC fellowship of churches.

Much of the work on Monday included the reception of reports from more than seventeen boards and committees that had functioned during the year. Each day, elections for those to serve on these were conducted.

Every evening, Conference Pastor Ronald Mahurin led a session of reporting and rejoicing—Trophies of God’s Grace—when the Conference learned what the Lord is doing in the various regions in the BFC. These reports brought encouragement and prayer support for God’s work through the Bible Fellowship Church in seven states and around the world.

Before the business of the first day were concluded, the announcement was made that God’s servant, John Pello, church-planting assistant in the DELMARVA region, had just ascended to the presence of his Savior at 6:30 p.m. Prayer was offered, giving thanks for John’s life and praying for comfort for the Pello family.

Fellowship Lost in Great Selfishness was the topic of the message delivered Tuesday morning by Pastor Calvin T. Reed, pastor at Lebanon BFC. Lebanon, PA.

On this second day, significant time was allotted for the Report of the Study Committee on the Process and Purpose of God’s Calling People to Salvation. The wording proposed by the committee was approved by conference members. The Report of the Study Committee on Women Serving as Deacons was also received and approved at second reading. This action now makes it possible for local boards of elders to use the gifts of women on boards of deacons. (Questions relating to these and other reports and outcomes may be directed to local pastors/delegates.)

On Wednesday morning, Pastor Philip E. Yerrington, Graterford BFC, Graterford PA spoke on Fellowship Restored at Great Grace.

Elections were concluded and numerous recommendations from boards were considered. Also the Report of the Study Committee on the Millennium was discussed.

Another matter of significance was the presentation and adoption of a new Bible Fellowship Church logo. See the June issue of Fellowship News to view this new logo and learn the story behind it.

Conference attenders appreciated the hospitality of Pinebrook Bible Conference and the excellent meals prepared by Pinebrook’s new Food Services Manager, Chef Doug.

Should the Lord delay His return to earth, the Bible Fellowship Church will celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2008. May God help us always to proclaim His glory as we seek to become an expanding fellowship of churches united to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Carol Z. Snyder

Conference Reporter

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