2007 Report of BFC Homes

Affiliate Report

Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.

            At Fellowship Community, Christ-centered caring is our focus. Our compassionate staff

encourages spiritual growth while enhancing physical and emotional well-being during the later stages of life.

            At the present time, we have 329 residents living on the campus. To assist the residents, we have 245 full-time and part-time employees and 35 contracted Sodexho Dining Service employees who strive to provide the highest level of quality care. We continue to be accredited by the Joint Commission for Health Care Organizations and maintain an excellent standing with the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pennsylvania Department of Health Division of Life Safety, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare and the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance.

            We are presently completing construction of the Kauffman and Wentz Courts, which will provide an additional 34 independent living units. The first section of the Kauffman Court will be available for occupancy during July 2007.

            Fellowship Community reaffirmed its commitment to the pastors and members of the denomination of the Bible Fellowship Church and will continue to give priority admissions to all BFC members. The Board of Directors has developed an Endowment Fund, which will help pay for those BFC members who cannot pay their cost of care. All money from the BFC will be directed to the Endowment Fund.

            During the year 2006, Fellowship Community provided charitable care valued at more than $1,500,000 to needy residents. Approximately $225,000 was provided to BFC members.

            The residents, their families, the staff and the Board of Directors are very grateful for all the various forms of support that have been and continue to be provided by Bible Fellowship Churches, including prayer, volunteers, special gifts and financial support.

            We request that you continue to uphold Fellowship Community in prayer, asking the Lord to provide the necessary wisdom, guidance, appropriate staff and all other resources necessary to continue to operate this facility in a God-honoring way, as the ever-increasing number of regulations and restrictions imposed by various governmental agencies and health insurance providers continue to increase the challenge to provide quality care at affordable rates. Then, we would ask that you, as a church body, prayerfully consider whether you might be able to increase the level of financial support you provide for resident care at Fellowship Community.

Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. Board of Directors: LeRoy S. Heller, Chairman; Robert H. Zentz, President/CEO; Dean A. Stortz, Vice Chairman; Ralph E. Ritter, Secretary; John W. Trauch, Treasurer; David W. Cole, Robert A. Erland, D. Thomas Phillips, Glenn Ruoss, Henry U. Sandt, Hans Waldvogel.

Financial Report

Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.

Note that the financial report prepared by Lisa Hazler, CPA, is a condensed version of the full financial report audited by ParenteRandolph. The audited report from ParenteRandolph is available and may be obtained by contacting the Secretary of the Board.

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