2007 Report of Christian Education

Report of the

Board of Christian Education

            The Board met four times during this past year to discuss avenues by which we might assist the individual Christian Education ministries of the Particular Churches. Five sub-committees have worked toward this end.

            Leadership Development (Kevin Kirkpatrick, Eric North) has met with the Strategic Planning Committee and is brainstorming ideas to strengthen the development and training of Elders and Deacons within our churches.

            The Family Ministries group began work in its area but was slowed due to the resignations of Mark McCreary and Judy Althouse. Carol Gearhart continues to work on this important need.

            The Curriculum and Doctrinal Issues sub-committee (Michael Tannous, Scott Ott, John Studenroth) have developed a website that will provide both resources and education opportunities utilizing material from the BFC pastors as well as other educators within the denomination. We are excited about the potential this can afford the BFC. It is hoped that a demonstration of the website and its resources will be available at the 124th Annual Conference. We give special thanks to Beth Lorah (Emmaus BFC) for the hours she has spent on the keyboard and downloading data to the site.

            Dave Eisenhower has been working as the lone member of the Regional Training sub-committee. He desires to harness the potential of the regional divisions of the BFC to provide training and resources for all the churches.

            The CE Training group (Nancy Mertus, Michael Herb, Dave Schoen) sponsored a “Teaching With Style” seminar on October 14, 2006. The teaching ministry of Dr. Jody Hice of Atlanta, GA, was both encouraging and very practical. One hundred and three attended this training event held at the Allentown Cedar Crest BFC. Future planning is being done with the possibility of another denomination-wide gathering in the Spring 2008.

            Our licensing contract with Walk Thru The Bible Ministries makes it possible for your church to host an Old or New Testament seminar for adults as well as seminars for children at a reduced rate. Churches with an average Sunday worship attendance of 499 or less are eligible. Please contact Dave Schoen (Emmaus BFC) for further information.

            Pastor Michael Tannous will serve as Chairman for the Board during this coming year. Please submit your thoughts, ideas, concerns or questions to him or to another of our board members.

Board of Christian Education: David N. Schoen, Chairman; Michael J. Tannous, Vice-Chairman; Nancy A. Mertus, Secretary; Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Treasurer; David Eisenhower, Carol A. Gearhart, Michael Herb, Eric R. North, Scott G. Ott, John C. Studenroth

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