2007 Report of Communications

Report of the

Board of Communications

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God,” -John 1:1

            Bible scholars know that this “Word” (Logos) is a direct reference to Jesus Christ. While His life on earth is characterized as being the “Living Word”, it is the written word which tells us about the Living Word whom we adore, worship and preach.

            The Board of Communications attempts to assist in the proclamation of this written and Living Word. We have been given the task of publishing materials that are useful for our churches especially in relationship to Annual Conference. To this end, the YearbookFaith & Order and booklets related to both are produced by this committee. The task for communicating encompasses the entire denomination via the Fellowship News which is in its 41st year of publication. Approximately 5000 copies are produced monthly. Broadening our scope to the entire world is done via the internet. Our website continues to receive hits from home and abroad (approximately 1500 – 1600 hits per month).

            On occasion tasks are not completed. This is not necessarily due to dereliction of duty, however, sometimes this mostly volunteer team is unable to complete a self-imposed task. This is the case with the “Abridged Edition of the F&O”. Although still felt to be a valuable resource for churches, as opposed to purchasing an entire F&O for members, with all the changes made on a yearly basis, we are not sure exactly when to go to press. Those who pre-paid will be issued a credit for this year unless otherwise directed.

            Our Chairman for a number of years, William H. Bartron, was called home during this conference year. We miss his leadership and friendship, but have vowed to continue on.

            As the new Chairman, I am delighted with the members of the Board working with me. I especially appreciate the work the Snyders do with the Fellowship News (Carol, Editor; Clyde, design). I’m also grateful for the financial guidance and bookkeeping given by Rachel Kistler Anderson and Scott Ott’s work overseeing the website. Thanks, too, for the many who have submitted articles for the Fellowship News.

            Annual Conference directed the Board of Communication to either update the BFC logo, designed more than forty years ago, or create a new one. We assembled a logo committee consisting of members from both the Board of Communications and Strategic Planning Committee. The team included two graphic artists, a former marketing and advertising specialist, a BFC historian and a man with years of media experience. We are excited to unveil the results of their work at the 124th Annual Conference.

            We believe the new logo visually projects the BFC vision (“an expanding fellowship of churches united to make disciples of Jesus Christ”). At the unveiling, a short video will help explain the meaning behind the image. Guidelines for the recommended use of the new logo will be provided. We hope the conference will be as enthusiastic as we are about this new logo.

            It is important that communication continue between us, therefore the following emails, addresses, and phone numbers are provided:

Bills and orders should be sent to the following address:

            Board of Communications, 12 Pinebrook Road, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

Dan Allen, ebfc@ptd.net

Fellowship News—articles and questions about editorial policy:

Carol Z. Snyder, 3091 York Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325, 717-337-3408;


Billing of Accounts

Rachel Kistler Anderson, rkistler@enter.net


Scott Ott, 7572 Sigmund Rd., Zionsville, PA 18092, webservant@bfc.org

or www.bfc.org.

The Board presents the following for your prayerful consideration:

1.         Resolved, that the cost of the 2007 Yearbook be $ 8.50 per copy.

2.         Resolved, that a contribution of three hundred twenty-five dollars ($325.00) for the conference year 2007 be given to the Board of Communications from each agency to help underwrite the cost of printing and distributing the Fellowship News.

Payments are to be made to the Board of Communications by December 31, 2007.

3.         Resolved, that $1.75 per member of the Bible Fellowship Church for 2007 be forwarded to the Board of Communications from each church to help underwrite the cost of printing and distributing the Fellowship News. Payments are to be made to the Board of Communications at the 124th Annual Conference.

4.         Resolved, that Rachel Kistler Anderson be ratified as the Business Manager of Fellowship News for a three year term.

5.         Resolved, that the logo presented at the 124th Annual Conference be adopted as the official logo of the Bible Fellowship Church.

6.         Resolved, that Annual Conference direct the Board of Directors to acquire appropriate legal protection of our name, Bible Fellowship Church, and logo.

Board of Communications: Daniel P. Allen, Chairman; Allan R. Vivona, Secretary; Rachel Kistler Anderson, Business Manager; Scott G. Ott, Webservant;Carol Snyder, Fellowship News Editor; Maggie Gallo, Ralph E. Ritter (filling term of Bill Bartron until 124th Annual Conference); Clyde W. Snyder.

Financial Report

January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006

[not included here]

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