2007 Report of Conference Pastor

Report of the

Conference Pastor

“…and He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you,

for power is perfected in weakness.’

Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weakness,

that the power of Christ may dwell in me.” 2 Cor. 12:9

One will never know the strength of the Lord until he first recognizes his own weakness. To experience any amount of success in the service of the Lord, to do any work well and triumphantly, we must sense our own weakness.

            To go forth to battle in one’s own might, to insist, “I can do this in and of myself,” is to welcome defeat. God will not go forth with that person who marches in his own strength. He who counts on his training, skill, experience, or anything else, has yet to learn, “…it is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of hosts.” They who enter a spiritual battle dressed in the armor of the flesh shall return with their armor stained with disgrace. Those who serve God must serve, “in the strength He supplies,” or He will never accept their service. That which we do, unaided by divine strength, God can never own. God will have no strength used in His battles but the strength which He Himself imparts.

            When we are most aware of our own weakness we are best prepared to receive the strength only God supplies. Are you painfully aware of your own weakness? Take courage, for “He will strengthen your heart.” Your emptiness is but the preparation for His filling.

            “Therefore I am well content with weakness… for when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Cor. 12:10

            Throughout this conference year I have been wonderfully aware of the Lord’s presence in my life and that of our fellowship of churches. Many times I have prayed, “Lord, who is sufficient for these things?” and have been encouraged and strengthened to hear, “My grace is sufficient for you…” and I have thanked God that it is, “Christ Jesus who strengthens me.”

            I continually praise and thank the Lord for our pastors who faithfully proclaim God’s word through their preaching-teaching ministry and their exemplary lives. Along with the leadership of elders and deacons, God is being glorified and new worshipers are being added to His church. By His sovereign will God called several choice servants of His to their eternal home this year. Among these are Bill Bartron, Willard Cassel, Mary Heffner, and Addy Mull. The memory of their exemplary lives and faithful service is a comfort, blessing, and challenge to we who remain.

            The need for men to serve as pastors in the BFC is continually before us. Four of our churches remain without a pastor and our Church Extension Department waits for an additional two men to answer the call to areas anxious to plant a church. May we join together in, “…beseeching the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” (Matt. 9:38) I commend the Youth and Young Adult Committee who is offering a, “Here Am I, Send Me” retreat-seminar to men who show potential and interest in the ministry. I call upon all our pastors and elders to, “…look out among you…” for such men and offer your encouragement with respect to their involvement in ministry.

            Because of the gracious love gift received during the 2006 Annual Conference, we were able to give a total of twenty-one hundred dollars ($2100) from the Darlene J. Mahurin Memorial Fund to fifteen pastors and their families. These expressions of love were gratefully received and a real encouragement to these choice servants of the Lord.

            I do not cease to give thanks to God for the help and encouragement I receive from the Ministerial Relations Committee and the gracious way I am received by our pastors and congregations.

            With the acceptance of this report, I complete six years of privilege, serving as your Conference Pastor. In answer to your faithful prayers God has protected me as I have driven over 61,000 miles in the fulfillment of the responsibilities of this office. Please accept my sincere heartfelt thanks for your prayerful and financial support.

            Yes! “…I am well content with weakness… For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Cor. 12:10

“I am weak but thou art strong;

Jesus, keep me from all wrong;

I’ll be satisfied as long

As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.

Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.”

Your co-laborer in Christ,

Ronald C. Mahurin,

Conference Pastor

Financial Report

January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006

Balance, December 31, 2005                                               $ (357.36)

Receipts                                                                                8,162.10


   Travel                                                      4,941.20

   Meals                                                      1,926.25

   Lodging                                                     461.41

   Phone                                                      1,156.16

   Office supplies                                        606.59

         Total Expenditures                                                     9,091.61

Balance, December 31, 2006                                          $ (1,286.87)

Darlene J. Mahurin Memorial Fund

Opening Balance                                                                $ 800.00

Deposits                                                                               1,600.00

Withdrawn                                                                        2,100.00

Balance, December 31, 2006                                              $ 300.00

15 Families Assisted.

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