2007 Report of Credentials Committee

Report of the

Committee on Credentials

            The Committee on Credentials held three meetings during the year in the performance of its duties.

            The Faith and Order questionnaire was sent to each of the ministers holding Ordination Credentials with the BFC. All of the brethren returned their questionnaires except one. The Committee is well satisfied with the responses of those who handed in their questionnaires.

            The Lord, in His providence this year, has chosen to take home two of our ministering brethren William H. Bartron and Willard E. Cassel. We thank God for their many years of ministry among us, their commitment to our Savior and we look forward to the day we will be reunited with them in glory.

            The Committee conducted an ordination service on May 22, 2006 to recognize and approve brethren entering the ministry. This is an important occasion to show love and support of those called of God to minister alongside us as brothers. We are grateful for those who were present. We strongly encourage all our Credentialed men to make ordination services a priority. Please put these services on your calendars and affirm these brothers in the Lord’s call on their lives.

            The following changes in status were approved:

            Jonathan W. Arnold was changed from Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the BFC to Ordained Ministers Between Calls.

            W. Neil Harding< jr. was changed from Ordained Ministers Between Calls to Ordained Ministers in Other Christian Ministries.

            Jonathan P. Tait was changed from Ordained Ministers Between Calls to Ordained Ministers on Leave of Absence.

            Jeffrey L. Ruhl was changed from Ordained Ministers on Leave of Absence to Ordained Ministers Between Calls.

            Kenneth F. Barber was changed from Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the BFC to Ordained Ministers in Retirement.

            John C. Vandegriff, Jr. was changed from Ordained Ministers Between Calls to Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the BFC.

            The Committee met with nine men for ordination examination. The Credentials Committee gives thanks to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Who has given these gifted men for the ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church.

1.         Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended ordination for Mark E. Barninger, Raymond R. Bertolet, Timothy J. Bertolet, Scott B. Evans, Ronald L. Kohl, Philip G. Norris, and Timothy J. Schmoyer, and

Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended prior ordination recognition for Davis E. Duggins and Glenn R. Felty, and

Whereas, these brethren have served acceptably as ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time or the equivalent thereof, and

Whereas, after examination, the Credentials Committee believes these men to be called of God to the gospel ministry and to be in accord with the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

Resolved, that Mark E. Barninger, Raymond R. Bertolet, Timothy J. Bertolet, Scott B. Evans, Ronald L. Kohl, Philip G. Norris, and Timothy J. Schmoyer be ordained to the gospel ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church, and further

Resolved that the prior ordination of Davis E. Duggins and Glenn R. Felty to the gospel ministry be recognized by the Bible Fellowship Church, and further

Resolved, that the service of ordination be held Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 7:30 PM at Annual Conference.

            The Credentials Committee has placed our Ordained Ministers in the following categories. (These men are eligible to serve a Bible Fellowship Church):

I. Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the BFC

Allen, Daniel P.

Allen, David T.

Baker, Delbert R. II

*Barninger, Mark E.

Bennett, C. Larry

*Bertolet, Raymond R.

*Bertolet, Timothy J.

Bomgardner, Clyde D., Jr.

Boone, Clifford B.

Brush, R. Jerome

Cahill, Dennis M.

Clapier, G. Wayne

Clark, Gerald D.

Clineff, Kevin W.

Cole, Charles E.

Cooper, Brian H.

Cowen, Timothy S.

Crossgrove, Andrew T.

Curcio, Louis S.

Dommel, Albert J.

Dowling, Willis I.

*Duggins, Davis E.

Erb, Ronald C.

*Evans, Scott B.

Fields, Robert K.

*Felty, Glenn R.

Fischer, Carl J., Jr.

Grossman, Randall A.

Gundrum, David E.

Harris, Richard D.

Heller, LeRoy S.

Johnson, Robert A., II

Keeler, Kenneth D.

Kirkpatrick, Kevin W.

*Kohl, Ronald L.

Kuntzman, Donald E.

Mahurin, Ronald C.

Miller, Alan G.

Morrison, Mark L.

*Norris, Philip G.

North, Eric R.

Paashaus, Richard T.

Prontnicki, Louis

Ramos, Elliot H.

Ravis, Richard B.

Reed, Calvin T.

Ritter, Ralph E.

Schlonecker, William G.

*Schmoyer, Timothy J.

Schoen, David N.

Shorb, Thomas P.

Simpson, Arthur J., Jr.

Sloan, Robert A., Jr.

Smith, Gene W.

Soper, Ralph M.

Spackman, Carl K.

Spinney, Dennis W.

Stortz, Dean A.

Susek, Jacob, J., Jr.

Tannous, Michael J.

Taylor, Richard E.

Thomann, David A.

Uhrich, Gregory A.

Vandegriff, John C., Jr.

Vivona, Alan R.

Way, David R.

Weller, Dana E.

Wells, Howard N.

Wickstead, James A.

Widger, Byron

Yerrington, Philip E.

* Contingent upon approval of recommendation of their ordination in this report.

II. Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Board of Missions of the BFC:

Aukamp, William A.

Denlinger, Ronald K.

Dunn, William J.

Head, Jim D.

Johnston, Walter M.

Manney, David L.

Morrison, Philip E.

Moyer, Duane E.

Moyer, Jerry L.

Pollock, Thomas A.

Riddell, David W.

Studenroth, John C.

III. Ordained Ministers Working in the Chaplaincy Under the Sponsorship of the BFC:

Heineman, David N. – Hospital

Hurst, Kenneth J. – Military

Jones, David H. – Military

Moyer, Richard A. – Prison Ministry

IV. Ordained Ministers Working in Other Christian Ministries:

Harding, W. Neil, Jr.

Lawrence, Dennis J.

Lea, Herbert K.

Martin, Carl T.

V. Ordained Ministers Between Calls:

Arnold, Jonathon W.

Commerford, Robert S.

McCreary, J. Mark

Reitz, Roger L.

Ruhl, Jeffrey L.

VI. Ordained Ministers on Leave of Absence:

Ellwanger, Donald R.

Frable, Arthur H., Jr.

MacMillan, Thomas S.

Tait, Jonathan P.

Trommler, Steven L.

VII. Ordained Ministers in Retirement:

Barber, Kenneth F.

Batchler, James R., Jr.

Beil, James A.

Bigley, T. James, Jr.

Brosius, Bert N.

Buck, Leonard E.

Byrd, Terris L.

Cassel, Alva C.

Cassel, Carl C.

Coulbourn, Hugh C., Jr.

Dotts, Raymond R.

Draper, Robert L.

Dunn, John

Ellingson, Bruce A.

Frank, Walter H.

Fritz, Harvey J., Jr.

Gehman, Richard J.

Gordon, Robert N.

Harley, J. Barclay

Hartman, Jansen E.

Herb, Frank L., Jr.

Herb, George E.

Herb, John H.

Hertzog, Roy A.

Hoyle, Ronald W.

Kirkwood, Donald T.

Koch, James G.

Minsky, Barry J.

Moyer, Edward

Munyan, Edgar H.

Phillips, D. Thomas

Plows, Keith E.

Reichenbach, R. C.

Riggall, John H.

Seifert, A. L.

Shelly, Austin G.

Smock, Robert W.

Thomann, David E.

Watkins, David J.

Weaber, Harold C.

Ziegler, Daniel G.

Zimmerman, Paul G.

Credentials Committee makes the following additional recommendations:

2.         Whereas, we believe there are men that are called of God to serve as His servants as Pastors, and

Whereas, it is important for the gifts and calling that God has given these men to serve are to be recognized by fellow pastors, and

Whereas, we believe it is a tremendous encouragement for fellow pastors to show approval, support and unity for those being ordained, therefore be it

Resolved, that the Credentials Committee resolution at the 123rd Annual Conference, “that an ordination service be held Monday, May 21, 2007, at a place to be determined” be rescinded, and further be it

Resolved, that the following two-tiered procedure for ordination be approved and instituted at this year’s 124th Annual Conference:

Ordination at Annual Conference:

• Introduction and testimony of the men

• A charge to the men

• The administration of the vows

• The laying on of hands and prayer

• Extending the right hand of fellowship by the members of the Credentials Committee and the ordained ministers of the BFC Annual Conference

Ordination Service at a Bible Fellowship Church:

The second part would be a service in the church where each man is serving. In that service, the man would:

• Affirm his vows of ordination by repeating them, the affirmation to be led by a member of the Credentials Committee.

• The elders of that church would pray for him.

• The pastors of that region would be expected to be present to extend the right hand of fellowship and greet the man.

• Someone, the ordinand’s recommendation, would preach an appropriate ordination sermon.

• All of this can be introduced by a time of worship and praise that would have meaning both to the man and the church.

This service would serve to point out the significance of ordination in the local church and make them part of the process.

3. The Credentials Committee brings the following legislation to Annual Conference:

Resolved, that the following material be adopted as Second Reading:

Whereas, the Committee on Credentials has been placing ministers in differing categories to determine their eligibility as voting members of Annual Conference, and

Whereas, one of the categories used does not appear in the Faith and Order, and

Whereas, there has been confusion as to who is eligible to be a voting member of Annual Conference, and

Whereas, there have been men in certain Advisory member categories for an indefinite period of time, therefore be it

Resolved, that the following replace Article 512-11.3 in the Faith and Order (changes in bold).

512-11.3 Categories of Ministry

All ordained men who hold Ordination Credentials with the BFC shall be members in good standing in a particular BFC and shall subscribe annually to the F&O.

The categories of ministry are as follows:

            (1)  Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the BFC

            (2)  Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Board of Missions of the BFC

            (3)  Ordained Ministers Working in (omit: the Military) Chaplaincy Ministries Under the Sponsorship of the BFC. The BFC qualifies to have men with its ministerial credentials to serve under the U.S. Armed Forces Chaplains Board under the endorsement of the National Conference of Ministry to the Armed Forces; as well as other Chaplain ministries such as the prison and hospital. Applications for such ministries shall be made through the Credentials Committee.

            (4)  Ordained Ministers in Retirement. These are men who have retired under the provisions of Section 503. A minister must serve a minimum of five years (cumulative) as an ordained minister in the BFC and be under the care of the Credentials Committee at retirement to be a member of Annual Conference as a “Minister in Retirement.”

            (5)  Ordained Ministers Between Calls. When a minister leaves his church or ministry without a call to another Bible Fellowship Church, he may be placed in either the “Between Calls” or “Leave of Absence” category, as determined by the Credentials Committee. A Minister who is in the “Between Calls” category is one who is presently seeking a call from a Bible Fellowship Church. He may remain in this category for a maximum of two years. A written request for an extension will be reviewed and may be granted by the Credentials Committee.

            (6)  Ordained Ministers on Leave of Absence. (Omit present statement and replace with): A minister who is in the “Leave of Absence” category is not currently open to receiving a call from a Bible Fellowship Church. He may remain in this category for a maximum of two years. A written request for an extension will be reviewed and may be granted by the Credentials Committee. The combination of “Leave of Absence” and “Between Calls” in any consecutive period shall not exceed five years total, except under unusual circumstances as determined by the Credentials Committee.

            (7)  Ordained Inactive Ministers. A minister who has exhausted his stay in the “Between Calls” and/or “Leave of Absence” categories will be placed in the “Ordained Inactive Ministers” category. He may remain in this category for a period not to exceed ten years of which time spent in the “Between Calls” and/or “Leave of Absence” categories is counted. At the end of ten years he loses his credentials with the Bible Fellowship Church. If he wishes to return to active ministry within the BFC, he must reapply to the Ministerial Candidate Committee.

NOTE: Present article 512-11.3 (5) – “Ordained Ministers Working in Other Christian Ministries” is eliminated.

4.         Whereas, the category of ministry “Ordained Ministers Working in Other Christian Ministries” was not included in our legislation at last year’s 123rd Annual Conference, and

Whereas, this has been one of the credible ministry designations, and

Whereas, we believe this category is one we should continue to have, therefore be it

Resolved, that “Ordained Ministers Working in Other Christian Ministries” be retained and numbered (8) in Article 512-11.3 Categories of Ministries, and further

Resolved, that the explanation of this category found in our present Faith & Order [Article 512-11.3 (5)] be retained.

5.         Resolved, that an Ordination Service be held Tuesday, April 29, 2008, at the 125th Annual Conference.

6.         Resolved, that Grace BFC, Harrisburg, PA, New Life BFC, Long Neck, DE, Pocono Mt. BFC, Mount Pocono, PA, New Life BFC, Oley, PA, Grace BFC, Quakertown, PA, Bethany BFC, Mt. Carmel, PA, Camden BFC, Camden, DE, Berean BFC, Stroudsburg, PA and Cedar Crest BFC, Allentown, PA be encouraged to have a service in recognition of the ordination of Mark E. Barninger, Raymond R. Bertolet, Timothy J. Bertolet, Scott B. Evans, Ronald L. Kohl, Philip G. Norris, and Timothy J. Schmoyer and prior ordination of Davis E. Duggins and Glenn R. Felty respectively and that they be encouraged to invite the Credentials Committee to send representation to be present at the service.

Committee on Credentials: Keith E. Plows, Chairman; David A. Thomann, Vice Chairman; Ralph M. Soper, Secretary; Dennis M. Cahill, LeRoy S. Heller

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