2007 Report of Higher Education

Report of the

Board of Higher Education

            During the 2006 calendar year, the Board of Higher Education (BHE) met three times. The BHE continues to oversee the work of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation (PEF), and to consider how else it might foster higher education in the BFC.

The Pinebrook Educational Foundation

            The Board of Directors of the PEF for the past year was as follows:

            Terms expiring in 2009:         Gary E. Karch            Karen Stull

            Terms expiring in 2008:         Stephen C. Cassel       Judith Rychnovsky

            Terms expiring in 2007:         Raymond R. Dotts      Jay H. Fasnacht

            The report of the PEF is appended to the report of the BHE

Other Ways of Promoting Higher Education in the BFC

            The topic of our meetings this past year has been whether the BHE has any purpose for existence any more (other than overseeing the PEF), and whether we should continue or request that the BHE be dissolved and the oversight of the PEF be turned over to another agency. No definite conclusions have yet been reached, but the discussions have been very lively.

Resolved, that the Annual Conference ratify the election to the Pinebrook Educational Foundation of Raymond R. Dotts and Jay H. Fasnacht for terms to end in 2010.

Board of Higher Education: William J. Dunn, Chairman; Raymond R. Dotts, Vice-chairman; Alan H. Russell, Secretary; Charles A. Bloomfield; Stephen C. Cassel; Ralph E. Ritter; Karen Stull.

Pinebrook Educational Foundation

2006 Annual Report to the Board of Higher Education

            The Board of Directors of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation met three times in 2006. The Foundation received gifts totaling $3,200 in 2006. Significant Board actions are described below:

            1.         Obtained approval from Dr. Bruce Reichenbach to revise the Reichenbach Scholarship Document to state that earnings of the Fund in any particular year shall be available for a scholarship award during the immediately-succeeding year (the “Grant Year”). At the end of the Grant Year, any unawarded earnings of the immediately-preceding year shall become part of the principal of the fund.

            2.         Granted scholarships totaling $10,500 as follows:

                        a.         $1,000 (two grants of $500 each) to Jeffrey Cole from the Ungerer Memorial Fund. Jeffrey attends Lancaster Bible College.

                        b.         $500 to Megan Mertus from the Ungerer Memorial Fund. Megan attends Cedarville University.

                        c.         $1,000 to Colby Weinhofer from the Weaver Memorial Scholarship Fund. Colby attends Biblical Theological Seminary.

                        d.         $1,000 to Stephen Bowne; $200 from the Pinebrook Junior College Scholarship Fund and $800 from the Weaver Memorial Scholarship Fund. Stephen attends Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. Stephen’s father, Douglas, is a graduate of Pinebrook Junior College.

                        e.         $1,000 to Louis Curcio from the Weaver Memorial Scholarship Fund. Louis attends Lancaster Bible College.

                        f.         $1,000 to Jeremy Fischer from the Weaver Memorial Scholarship Fund. Jeremy attends Lancaster Bible College.

                        g.         $1,000 to Alan G. Miller from the Ziegler Memorial Fund. Alan is enrolled in a doctoral program at Baptist Bible Seminary.

                        h.         $1,000 to Roshelle Ravier from the Weaver Memorial Scholarship Fund. Roshelle attends Toccoa Falls College.

                        i.         $1,000 to Jodi Ravier from the Ungerer Memorial Fund. Jodi attends Indiana Wesleyan University.

                        j.         $1,000 to Lisa Richards from the Ungerer Memorial Fund. Lisa attends Taylor University.

                        k          $1,000 to Mark Bickel from the Reverend and Mrs. R.C. Reichenbach Scholarship Fund. Mark attends Biblical Theological Seminary.

            3.         Presented Ray Dotts and Jay Fasnacht to the Board of Higher Education for approval as nominees for ratification by Annual Conference to serve on the Board of Pinebrook Educational Foundation for a three-year term ending in 2010.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jay H. Fasnacht, Secretary

Pinebrook Education Foundation

Balance Sheet

December 31, 2006 and 2005

[not included here]

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