2007 Report of Ministerial Relations Committee

Report of the

Ministerial Relations Committee

            The Lord continues to graciously provide for and oversee His flocks in the Bible Fellowship Church. We are grateful for the privilege to have a part in overseeing the pulpit supply procedures during the year. The committee appreciates the manner in which pastors, elders, and congregations conduct their business in conjunction with the Ministerial Relations Committee. The full committee met four times in 2006. In addition to these meetings, other meetings took place with pastors, congregations and committee members to provide information, guidance and support. We pray regularly for congregations seeking a pastor, for the men eligible to receive a call and for particular issues that they are facing. We also send out general emails to Annual Conference keeping them informed of current Ministerial Relations Committee information.

            The committee wishes to thank John C. Vandegriff, Jr. for his years of service on the Ministerial Relations Committee and has appointed Byron Widger to replace him until this year’s conference.

            The following resignations were received according to the rules of our Faith and Order this year:

                 Church                                   Pastor                              Effective Date

            Nazareth, PA                          Jonathon W. Arnold, Sr.         June 30th, 2006

            Long Neck, DE                      Kenneth F. Barber                  December 31st, 2006

            Whitehall, PA                         Gene W. Smith                       April 15th, 2007

            The following pastorates were established according to the rules of our Faith and Order this year:

                 Church                                   Pastor                              Effective Date

            Walnutport, PA                      Clyde D. Bomgardner             July 1st, 2006

            Paradise, PA                           Shan Cleck                              July 23rd, 2006

            Lebanon, PA                           David E. Brandt                      August 1st, 2006

                                                               (Asst. Pastor)

            Fellowship Manor                  Harvey J. Fritz                        August 27th, 2006

            Mt. Pocono, PA                      Timothy J. Bertolet                 August 27th, 2006

            Ephrata, PA                            Robert B. Kramer                   August 27th, 2006

            Shamokin, PA                        Ferdie R. Madara                    December 1st, 2006

            Reading, PA                           Steven J. DelDuco                  January 1st, 2007

                                                                (Asst. Pastor)

            Long Neck, DE                      Jonathon W. Arnold, Sr.         January 1st, 2007

            The following churches are presently in the process of seeking a pastor, either a senior pastor or an addition to the pastoral staff: Holmes, NY, Nazareth, PA, Old Bridge, NJ, Whitehall, PA

            The ministry of our Conference Pastor, Ronald C. Mahurin, continues to be a great asset to the ministering brethren. The committee is grateful for his availability to meet with men to share insights from God’s Word and from his own rich experience. His counsel, prayer, guidance, and exhortations have been a source of encouragement to many pastors during this year.

            The committee makes the following recommendations to the 124th Annual Conference:

1.         Resolved, that the recommended minimum salary for a pastor serving in the BFC for the calendar year 2007 be $31,000.00. In addition to his salary, the church must provide half of the pastor’s Social Security tax, parsonage and/or housing allowance (which would include utilities, repair costs, etc.), health insurance, and provision should be made for reimbursement for allowable car and professional expenses. The church must also contribute a minimum of 3% of the pastor’s salary for retirement to the Ministers Annuity Fund, plus an additional 1% match if the pastor is voluntarily contributing 1%.


The above recommendation is considered the minimum. In establishing a fair and equitable salary and benefits package for the minister, consideration should be given to experience, education and the cost of living as per one’s location. In some areas, a higher figure would be more equitable.

Additional information from the Pastoral Relations Committee can be found in the Yearbook. One can also contact the Reading BFC for added information.

2.   Resolved, that the Annual Conference ratify the election of Ronald C. Mahurin as Conference Pastor for a term of three years.

3.   Resolved, that the salary for the Conference Pastor be $26,000.00 and in addition, we provide

            $6,200.00 for health insurance and $9,300.00 for auto and professional expenses.

            Total – $41,500.00

4.   Resolved, that the following legislation be adopted at Second Reading, and further

Resolved, that the legislation in bold italics be adopted as First Reading:

Article 409 – Pastoral Change Procedure

The orderly transition of pastoral leadership is crucial to the health of a church. As the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ should be invoked to provide for the care of His under shepherds, the pastors, and for the needs of His flock, the congregation. The Ministerial Relations Committee is responsible to provide guidance to both pastors and churches during this transition.

409-1 Instituting the Pastoral Relationship

Paragraphs 409-1.1 – 409.1.13 refer to the calling of a Senior Pastor in a church with more than one pastor, or the only Pastor in a church with one pastor. In churches with more than one pastor, the elders may choose to adopt the procedure in paragraph 409-1.14

409- 1.1 When a church is seeking a Pastor, the Board of Elders, chaired by the First Delegate, shall meet with representatives of the Ministerial Relations Committee to discuss the following:

(1) Temporary pulpit supply. The Board of Elders shall provide for temporary pulpit supply on an interim basis. Pastors serving in this capacity shall be in sympathy with the F&O of the BFC.

(2) Election of a pastoral search committee.

(3) Congregational self-study, pastoral profile, and candidate-search procedures.

(4) Rules for calling a pastor.

409-1.2 The Board of Elders shall call a congregational meeting according to our rules (see §403) in order to elect a pastoral search committee. The Board of Elders shall recommend the composition, size and election of the pastoral search committee. The committee may vary from church to church, but in all cases shall be viewed as subordinate to the Board of Elders. Under normal circumstances, the chairman of the pastoral search committee shall be an Elder.

409-1.3 The Pastoral Search Committee shall maintain regular communication with the chairman of the Ministerial Relations Committee concerning progress in the pastoral search. The Ministerial Relations Committee shall seek to provide guidance and advice to the Pastoral Search Committee in its work.

409-1.4 The Pastoral Search Committee shall seek a candidate who is fitted to the needs of the church and is or will be licensed to serve as a pastor in the BFC. If a candidate is not licensed to serve as a pastor in the BFC, he shall be referred to the Ministerial Candidate Committee. Under ordinary circumstances, the candidate must gain final approval by regular procedures in order to be called by the church.

409-1.5 On certain exceptional occasions, it may be necessary to expedite the procedure for issuing a call to a man who is previously ordained but not licensed by the BFC.

These circumstances are when:

(1) geographic distance allows limited direct contact.

(2) the demands of current ministry do not allow for the normal process.

(3) the church applies for special consideration because of urgent circumstances.

The expedited process is as follows:

(1) The church shall request the chairman of the Ministerial Relations Committee to use the expedited process. He, in consultation with the chairman of the Ministerial Candidate Committee, approves or disapproves the request.

(2) If the request is approved, the Ministerial Candidate Committee shall interview the man. If he is approved as a candidate under our rules (see 512-13.4), he shall be given the Open Book Examination.

(3) Upon the satisfactory completion of the Open Book Examination, the church may seek to issue a call, which is provisional.

(4) After the provisional call is issued, the man shall complete all other examinations and requirements of the Ministerial Candidate Committee before beginning the new ministry or moving into church-provided housing.

(5) When all examinations and requirements are satisfactorily completed, the Ministerial Candidate Committee will approve the man as a licensed probationer (see §514-13.4), effective on the date of the approval of his final examination. The Ministerial Relations Committee will recognize the provisional call as the formal call on the same date.

409-1.6 When the Pastoral Search Committee has completed its work, it shall recommend a candidate to the Board of Elders. The Board of Elders shall conduct any other research or interviews it deems necessary, including establishing the terms of the call.

409-1.7 When the Board of Elders is ready to present a candidate to the congregation, it shall inform the chairman of the Ministerial Relations Committee of the name and of the terms of the call. The purpose of this consultation is to protect the candidate, the church, and the BFC from unnecessary difficulties. The Ministerial Relations Committee shall have one week to approve or disapprove of the presentation of the candidate to the congregation.

409-1.8 If the Ministerial Relations Committee approves the presentation of the candidate, the Board of Elders shall call a congregational meeting according to our rules (see §403) for the purpose of calling a pastor.

409-1.9 The congregational meeting shall be led by the First Delegate or, at his request, a member of the Ministerial Relations Committee. Following the report of the pastoral search committee and/or the Board of Elders, the congregation shall vote on the question, “Are you ready to proceed to the calling of a pastor?” If a majority of members present and voting approve, a vote shall be taken to call the pastor. This vote shall be by written ballot. Absentee ballots are not allowed. The leader of the meeting shall announce the outcome of the vote and inform the congregation that the next step in the process is the approval or disapproval of the call by the Ministerial Relations Committee.

409-1.10 The Ministerial Relations Committee shall be informed of the outcome of the vote. The purpose of this consultation is to advise the Board of Elders concerning the issuing of a call and to approve or disapprove it. If the vote is approved by a strong majority, the Elders will be advised to proceed with the issuing of a call. If the vote is not approved by a strong majority, the Elders may be advised to consider options other than issuing a call. The Ministerial Relations Committee shall have the final authority to approve or disapprove the call.

409-1.11 Upon receiving the approval of the Ministerial Relations Committee, the Board of Elders may proceed to issue a call to the pastor as follows:

The (name) Church, of (city and state) , believing that you are well-qualified to serve as our pastor for the glory of God and our spiritual benefit, invite you,

(name of candidate to accept this call to serve as our (title of pastor) promising you all proper support, encouragement, and obedience in the Lord.

In order to provide for your needs, we promise to pay you an annual salary of $ together with additional benefits as follows; (other benefits may include parsonage use, housing, educational or professional allowances). We also will provide (number of weeks) vacation each year.

We also will pay into your Minister’s Annuity Fund the percentage of your salary established by Annual Conference.

We will also pay you a sum equivalent to your self-employment tax (FICA).

We will also provide health insurance for you and your family, as agreed on by you and the church.

And we promise to review with you the adequacy of this compensation annually. We, the elders of Church, sign our names to this call on (date) .

409-1.12 Upon receiving the approval of the Ministerial Relations Committee (see 409-1.9), the Board of Elders or Agency Board may proceed to issue a bi-vocational call as follows:

The (church / agency) , believing that you are well-qualified to serve as pastor for the glory of God and the benefit of His church, invite you (name of candidate) to accept this call to serve in the office of (position / title) , promising you all proper support, encouragement and obedience in the Lord.

In order to help provide for your needs, we promise to pay you an annual salary of

$ , together with additional benefits as follows: (other benefits may include parsonage use, housing, educational or professional allowances). We also will provide

(number of weeks) vacation each year.

We also will pay into your Ministers Annuity Fund the percentage of your salary established by Annual Conference.

We also will pay you a sum equivalent to your self-employment tax (FICA).

(The following clause is optional.)

We also will provide health insurance agreed on by you and the (church / agency) .

This is a call to serve bi-vocationally, that is, with the understanding that you will provide part of your support through other employment than the ministerial position to which we are calling you.

We promise to review with you the adequacy of this call and its conditions each year, to increase our provision for your support as we are able, and to provide full support for you as soon as it is possible.

We sign our names to this call on (date) .

409-1.13 An Agency of the BFC may call a person to serve in its ministry. In such cases the board of directors of the Agency shall act in the place of the Board of Elders, Pastoral Search Committee, and Congregation. As in the case of a call to a Particular Church, the Ministerial Relations Committee shall approve the name, the terms, and the call of the candidate. The form of the call shall be modeled after the form for particular churches (see 409-10).

409-1.14 In churches with more than one pastor, the elders may choose to call a pastor other than the Senior Pastor as follows: The Board of Elders shall serve as the Pastoral Search Committee and shall issue a call in place of the congregation.

The Ministerial Relations Committee shall approve the name, the terms and the call of the candidate. The form of the call shall be modeled after the call in paragraph 409-1.11. The call shall be communicated to the congregation.

409-1.15 Upon receiving the call from the church or agency, the candidate has three weeks to accept or reject the call in writing. If the candidate accepts the call, the Ministerial Relations Committee shall set the effective date in consultation with the pastor and the church.

      409-2  Dissolving the Pastoral Relationship (omit present 409-2, 409-2.1, 409-2.2)

(omit paragraph following title of 409-3)

Paragraphs 409-2.1 – 409-2.3 refer to the resignation of a Senior Pastor in a church with more than one pastor, or the only pastor in a church with one pastor. For pastors called under the procedures 409-1/14, the resignation shall be according to the procedure of 409-2.4

409-2.1 An Uncontested Resignation

            (2.2)    Ordinarily . . . The action of the Board of Elders shall be communicated to the chairman of the Ministerial Relations Committee prior to the effective date of the resignation. (omit “. . . by the secretary . . . cannot be reached.”).

(omit paragraph (3) and replace (4) with the following:)

            (3) The Board of Elders shall call a congregational meeting according to our rules (see 403) in order to consider the resignation of the pastor. When the congregation approves the resignation of the pastor, this information shall be communicated to the chairman of the Ministerial Relations Committee within one week. The special provisions made for the pastor’s transition (see 2.1 above), may be announced by the Board of Elders or, if they so decide, approved by the Congregation.

409-2.2 A Contested Resignation

            (1) Replace final sentence beginning “Rules for communicating the results . . .” with “This decision shall be communicated to the chairman of the Ministerial Relations Committee within twenty-four hours.

409-2.3 Churches Desiring Dissolution of the Pastorate

            (1) If the issues leading to a desire by the church to dissolve the pastorate involve moral or doctrinal charges against the pastor, the church shall follow the procedure outlined in the Book of Discipline (see section 300).

            (2) No changes

409-2.4 Resignation or Removal of Pastors called by Boards of Elders.

In the case of a pastor called under the procedure of 409-1.14, resignation or removal is as follows:

Resignation – The pastor submits his resignation to the Board of Elders. He shall submit a copy to the chairman of the Ministerial Relations Committee. The Board of Elders shall act on the resignation, including special provisions such as in 409-2.1

The Board of Elders shall inform the congregation of the effective date and terms of the resignation.

Removal – Boards of Elders shall adopt the procedure of 409-2.3 except that following the due process if (2.1-2.5) the Ministerial Relations Committee may approve the request of the Board of Elders to terminate the pastorate. The effective date and terms of the termination shall be communicated to the congregation. paragraph (2.12) is in effect in this situation.

409-3.4, 409-3.5, 409-3.6 Omit

512-14 Ministerial Relations Committee

The purpose of the Ministerial Relations Committee is to foster a healthy relationship between pastors and churches, to help to resolve problems in the pastoral relationship, and to assist churches in calling pastors.

512-14-1 Composition and Election

Omit (4)

512-14-2 Duties

            (1) The committee shall provide counsel and advice to churches and pastors upon their invitation. The committee may be invited to assist a church in this way upon request of the Board of Elders, the Pastoral Relations Committee of the church, an individual Elder or Elders, or the Pastor.

            (2) The committee may initiate involvement and call a meeting with the Pastor, Pastoral Relations Committee, or Board of Elders if the committee concludes there are matters threatening the health of the pastoral relationship which are not being adequately addressed by the Particular Church. This request for a meeting shall be in writing, stating the reasons that the Ministerial Relations Committee has for requesting it.

            (3) The committee shall seek to resolve difficulties in the pastoral relationship whether they have been invited or have initiated involvement in the Particular Church. This involvement may take the form of meetings with the Pastor, Elders or Members, with the Pastoral Relations Committee, with the Board of Elders, or with the Congregation.

            (4) The committee shall oversee the resignation of a pastor according to our rules.

            (5) The committee shall meet with the Elders and/or Pastoral Search Committee with respect to temporary pulpit supply, the pastoral search process, and the calling of a pastor. It shall oversee the calling of a pastor according to our rules.

            (6) The committee shall refer any problems concerning pastoral relationships that it cannot resolve to Annual Conference for final resolution. This referral may or may not have recommendations concerning resolution.

            (7) The committee shall submit a report to Annual Conference, including recommendations concerning the minimum salary package for pastors called under our rules.

512.14.3 Conference Pastor – same

Ministerial Relations Committee: Randall A. Grossman, Chairman; Jacob J. Susek, Jr., Secretary; Steven Kauffman, Ronald W. Reed, L. James Roberts, Jr., William G. Schlonecker, John C. Vandegriff, Jr., Byron Widger.

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