2008 Report of Christian Education

Report of the

Board of Christian Education

            The board met three times: March, June and September of 2007. This year was a year of major transition for the board. We had good discussions regarding our current role as a committee of the BFC. It was discussed that over the last year or so, many of our “duties” were eliminated (PED, big event teacher training, curriculum for the BPLs) because they were completed, or have run their course.

            A new course was set to develop a site on the web devoted for BFC Christian education. Scott G. Ott made an introductory presentation of this website at annual conference and it was well-received. Preliminary plans for the website will include three categories of lists/links:

            1.         Static link of resources

            2.         Courses and sermons (interactive learning)

            3.         On-going dialogue

            Much more work remains not only to develop this website plan but to continue to discuss how best we can carry out the responsibilities of this board as described in the Faith & Order.

Board of Christian Education: Michael J. Tannous, Chairman; Nancy A. Mertus, Secretary; Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Treasurer; David Eisenhower, Michael Herb, Scott G. Ott, John C. Studenroth, Eric R. North, Lou Prontnicki, Dick Vroman, James A. Wickstead

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