2000 Report of Church Extension

Report of the

Board of Church Extension

     The Board of Church Extension seeks to carry out and promote the “Great Commission” by planting churches to the glory of God and encouraging congregations to be involved in this great work. Our great God’s constant faithfulness and blessing are a source of encouragement and joy as we have witnessed them over the years. God’s faithfulness is often demonstrated through men. As Daniel G. Ziegler retires following thirty-two years of service as the Executive Director of the Board of Church Extension, we look back with gratitude for the vision, enthusiasm, and effective work of our brother. God has used Dan to strengthen our denomination’s commitment to church planting and the fruit is seen in the vibrant congregations of today that were planted under his leadership and guidance. Dan has provided encouragement, guidance, vision, and friendship to the church planting pastors in his personable way. The Board thanks the Lord for Dan’s faithful contribution to this work and prays God’s richest blessing on him and his wife, Jacquelene, in their retirement years.

     The Board is pleased to recommend David E. Gundrum to the 117th Annual Conference for ratification as the new Executive Director, effective May 1st, 2000. David has served on the Board of Church Extension for six years and has been integrally involved in the work of ethnic church planting in cooperation with the Board of Missions. We look forward with great anticipation to David’s leadership and vision and seek the prayers and support of God’s people through this transition.

     A joint effort between the Boards of Church Extension and Missions exists to seek ways the two boards can work together to become more efficient and unified in carrying out the mandate of the “Great Commission” both locally and globally through the Bible Fellowship Church. To this end, a Joint Task Force of the two boards has been meeting to explore the possibility of the creation of a new missions agency from the two Boards. The Board of Church Extension has approved the attached report of the Joint Task Force and its recommendations to Annual Conference regarding the “Missions Statement of Purpose” and the formation of a new Bible Fellowship Church missions agency called “Great Commission Ministries.” These recommendations will be presented to the 117th Annual Conference by the Joint Task Force and the Board of Church Extension fully supports their adoption.

     For years the Church Extension office has been housed in the home of Clyde and Carol Snyder. They are retiring and moving from their house in the Quakertown area. Rachel Kistler, who for many years has diligently served in the office, also retired this year. The Board expresses its deep gratitude to the Snyders and to the Kistlers for their faithful ministry for so many years. Their work in bookkeeping, correspondence, and publications has proven invaluable to connecting people to the work of church planting. Many have expressed great appreciation for the quality updates and “It Happened Like This” accounts. Carol will continue to assist with the production of materials on a part-time basis and Clyde will continue to serve on the Board from their new location. The Board is pleased to announce the hiring of a new office administrative assistant, Linette Smith, from the Quakertown Bible Fellowship Church. Also, the Lord has provided a new office location through a member of the Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church. Effective April 1st, 2000, the Church Extension office will be located at 12th and Liberty Streets in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The mailing address will remain the same.

     The Board accepted the resignation of board member, Kenneth L. Good, and expresses appreciation for his time of excellent service. Dennis M. Cahill has been appointed to fill this vacancy. The Philemon Mission in Atlantic County, New Jersey, is presently dormant. Richard A. Moyer was led of the Lord to accept the position of full-time chaplain in the prison system of the State of New Jersey. The work of a church plant among released inmates and their families remains a burden to Richard. The Board is seeking a man who shares this vision who could partner with Richard in order to see this come to fruition. Pleasant Valley and Brooklyn, New York, Missions are presently without pastors. The Bible Fellowship Church borders were enlarged when the Las Cruces, New Mexico, congregation was received as a Bible Fellowship Mission, with Jack Becker serving as organizing pastor. The Board seeks to develop a model for receiving, establishing, and incorporating distant missions into the Bible Fellowship Church family.

     The work of Chris Merrick is such an asset as he organizes work teams to carry out much-needed maintenance on properties. The congregations that have “rolled up their sleeves” and worked are a source of great encouragement to our young congregations and their pastors. Thousands of dollars are saved through their labors. The Lord has brought both spiritual and numerical growth to many of the missions and churches of the Department. We ask that you pray for the building needs of those that are reaching capacity of their present buildings or meeting places.

     The Board rejoices that the Lord has brought about the final sale of the Pinebrook Junior College property. This has been a difficult time for the Bible Fellowship Church and those entrusted with the business issues of Annual Conference. We as a Board are convinced of the importance of the Fund to Promote Church Extension to the ongoing work of church planting (see attached recommendations). We appreciate and support the efforts of the Board of Directors in seeking ways this Fund can be voluntarily replenished. We are grateful for each church’s consideration of involvement in this matter and look forward to a renewed partnership and shared vision in planting churches to the glory of God.

     The Board is deeply grateful for the prayer and financial support of churches and individuals that are true partners in the work of church planting. This work belongs to God and we seek to carry out our responsibilities on behalf of and in partnership with the Bible Fellowship Church family. The men and their families who serve in the Department are worthy of our prayer and financial support. Their work is challenging and at times lonely. We invite you to visit these missions and churches to encourage them and to see firsthand the results of your partnership. Christ’s “Great Commission” compels us to carry out this mandate by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a view to planting churches to the glory of God.

     The following is a list of the men who are presently serving in the Department of Church Extension:

    Aberdeen, NJ (Bayshore). . . . . . . . .John C. Vandegriff, Jr.

    Atlantic County, NJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dormant

    Beacon, NY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .David R. Way

    Brooklyn, NY

    Chesapeake, VA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Willis I. Dowling

    Las Cruces, NM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jack Becker

    Newark, NJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Delbert R. Baker, II

    Toms River, NJ (Ocean County). . . .Dean A. Stortz

    Pleasant Valley, NY

    Scranton, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roger L. Reitz

    South Allentown, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .Elliot H. Ramos

    Staten Island, NY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ralph E. Ritter

    Thompson, CT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dennis W. Spinney

    Walnutport, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jonathan P. Tait

     Board of Church Extension recommendations to the 117th Annual Conference:

Whereas, Daniel G. Ziegler has served his Lord and the Bible Fellowship Church as Executive Director of Church Extension for thirty-two years, and

Whereas, the Bible Fellowship Church has grown under his vision and leadership resulting in vibrant congregations in existence today, and

Whereas, he will retire from this position as of May 1st, 2000, therefore, be it

Resolved, that we praise the Lord for Daniel’s dedicated service, and extend thanks for the leadership and vision provided this conference for many years, and further

Resolved, that we pray for the Lord’s blessing on Daniel and his wife, Jacquelene, as they continue to serve Him in their retirement years.

Whereas, Daniel G. Ziegler will retire as Executive Director of Church Extension as of May 1st, 2000, following thirty-two years of service, and

Whereas, the Board of Church Extension has carefully re-evaluated and re-defined this position as it relates to the fulfilling of the Board’s responsibilities in the 21st century, and

Whereas, the Board has prayerfully determined that David E. Gundrum demonstrates the character and qualities necessary to fulfill the responsibilities as Executive Director, and

Whereas, David E. Gundrum has been elected by the Board of Church Extension to serve as Executive Director, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the election of David E. Gundrum as Executive Director of Church Extension be ratified for a term of three years, and further

Resolved, that Annual Conference pray for David in his new role and seek to assist him in this time of transition of leadership in the work of church planting.

Whereas, the Fund to Promote Church Extension (FTPCE) is vital to the work of planting churches in the Bible Fellowship Church, and

Whereas, the FTPCE has in the past supplied funds to developing churches for the acquisition of property in ways that otherwise would have been extremely difficult for the new churches, and

Whereas, the future of church planting and acquiring property for our young churches is vitally dependent upon a healthy FTPCE, and

Whereas, there are an estimated fifteen churches who are presently or in the near future in need of assistance from the FTPCE, and

Whereas, the FTPCE has in the past and will in the future prove to be a vital and significant dynamic to growing the BFC as well as enhancing the recruitment of church planting pastors, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the Annual Conference view the Fund to Promote Church Extension as a vital element in the work of planting churches and the growth of the Bible Fellowship Church, and further

Resolved, that the Annual Conference prayerfully and cooperatively seek to replenish the FTPCE under the leadership of the Board of Directors.

Board of Church Extension: Richard E. Taylor, Chairman; David E. Gundrum, Vice Chairman; Daniel G. Ziegler, Executive Director; William G. Schlonecker, Secretary; William R. Singletary, Treasurer; David W. Armstrong, W. Robert Buckwalter, Dennis M. Cahill, John C. Elias, Clyde W. Snyder; Robert H. Zentz.

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