2008 Report of Conference Reporter


of the


Come, people of the risen King who delight to bring Him praise . . .

 Rejoice, rejoice! Let every tongue rejoice!

One heart, one voice! Church of Christ, rejoice! (K.Getty)

With this call to worship, the 125th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church was convened April 28, 2008 at Pinebrook Bible Conference in East Stroudsburg, PA. Without question, the highlight of the Conference was the reception of two churches into the fellowship of churches.

Grace Bible Church of Las Cruces, NM, is the first Particular Church of the BFC to be established in the Southwest region of our country. The church was represented by Pastor Thomas Morrison and Delegate M. E. Brown, both of whom were seated at the conference bar.

The second church received into conference membership was Iglesia Biblica La Roca de Merida, the first BFC located outside the borders of the United States. What a joy it was to welcome these Spanish-speaking brothers and sisters! “This is a special day for us because God has answered our prayer,” said Pastor Ramirez to the conference body. “We didn’t want to be an independent church anymore… I want to thank you for accepting and receiving us into your fellowship.”

The theme of this conference was “A Mandate to Godly Leadership.” The message of each morning was in the context of this theme, with conference chairman, William G. Schlonecker addressing “The Man,” Pastor David T. Allen, “The Mission;” and Pastor Richard B. Ravis, “The Motivation.” Pastor Richard T. Paashaus was worship leader.

Other highlights included:


Ten first-time members of Annual Conference were introduced, and the pastors and delegates from the two new churches were seated at the conference bar.

Four candidates for ordination or recognition of previous ordinations were also welcomed and seated at the bar. They were Thomas H. Morrison, (Grace Bible Church, Las Cruces, NM), and the following whose previous ordinations were recognized: Shan D. Cleck (Paradise BFC, Paradies, PA), Robert B. Kramer (Ephrata BFC, Ephrata, PA) and Ferdie R. Madara (Calvary BFC, Shamokin, PA).

Thirty-three retired and active BFC missionaries and missionary candidates were introduced. Tanzania Project leaders reported that the Lord willing, they will be going to Tanzania this summer, and the first of several teams will be joining them beginning the summer of 2009.

In recognition of the historic significance of this conference, throughout the three days, pictures were taken of conference attenders, in regional groups.


Much time was given to the report of the Study Committee on the Process and Purpose of God’s Calling People to Salvation. Changes in five articles were presented to bring greater clarity to BFC Articles of Faith. Each article was passed at Second Reading by a more than two-thirds vote.

Much time for discussion was given to the report of a Steering Committee which proposed a move toward a different leadership structure for the BFC, while being careful to maintain the autonomy of the Local Church. Action was taken to initiate the first steps toward this new administrative structure

The ordination service at the close of the day brought many visitors to Pinebrook. After the meaningful and joyful ceremony, family and friends were invited to Pinebrook’s dining hall for a reception.


There was extensive discussion on the report of the Study Committee on the Millennium. This group will continue its work in the coming year and will report to the 126th Annual Conference.

Elections were completed. About fifty-four individuals were selected to serve during the coming year on approximately twenty-eight committees and boards.

Conference attenders appreciated Pinebrook’s comfortable accommodations and tasty and ample meals.

The dates of the 2009 Annual Conference were established as April 27, 28 and 29, 2009.

Please see the June issue of Fellowship News for a more extensive report of the 125th Conference, including many pictures.

Until the Lord returns, may He enable the BFC to be an expanding fellowship of churches united to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Carol Z. Snyder, Conference Reporter

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