2008 Report of Examination of Minutes

Report of the

Committee to Examine the Minutes

of the 124th Annual Conference

            In pursuance of our responsibility to produce accurate minutes of Annual Conference, the committee compares the approved minutes with those published in the Yearbook as well as receiving and reviewing suggested corrections to the Yearbook submitted during the year. This task is accomplished each year with help from those who take the time to carefully examine the Yearbook for errors and omissions. We would particularly like to thank Mildred Musselman of Calvary BFC, Coopersburg, PA for her careful reading and notations on the text.

The following minor corrections should be made to the 2007 official minutes:

         p. 3   In the second paragraph the I should be capitalized in Rejoice, the Lord Is King and in the third line of the Report of the Registrar it should read Brian H. Cooper (not Brain).

         p. 8   In the third whereas from the bottom it should read “we believe these are men…”

       p. 10   At the end of the fifth line a semicolon should be inserted after Quakertown, PA and the Report of the Ministerial Candidate Committee starts on page 83 not page 84.

       p. 13   The last report should be the Report of the Executive Director of Church Extension and in the third line of the paragraph the comma after support should be deleted.

       p. 17   In line six of the Report of the Registrar it should read Philip E. Morrison (not Phillip) and “carry the gos” (in line five of the sixth paragraph) should be moved three lines later so it reads “faithfully carry the gospel…”

       p. 29   In 204-1.4 the words describing the work of elders should not be capitalized.

       p. 33   There should be a hyphen in Multi-Staff in the middle of the page where it refers to Report of the Study Committee on Credentials and Multi-Staff Churches.

       p. 50   In 409-1.6 it should read “When the Pastoral Search Committee has completed” (not had)

       p. 52   In second indented paragraph under 409-1.12 delete “provision of housing as agreed upon by you and the church,” since it was not included in the proposal by the committee as recorded on page 104.

       p. 56   Capitalize the p in paragraph in line six of the first paragraph.

       p. 68   In the first whereas, it should say “has begun” instead of “has began.”

The following minor corrections should be made to the remainder of the Yearbook:

       xviii   Acts should be capitalized in line four of the first indented paragraph in the bottom half of the page.

       p. 71   In the index, the Ministerial Candidate Committee Report begins on page 83 (not page 84)

       p. 78   In the list of Ordained Ministers in Retirement, include G. as Paul Zimmerman’s middle initial.

  p.94-95   Insert “, PA” after Adams County, Bethlehem and Paradise to be consistent.

     p. 103   Delete extra spaces at end of last line on page 103 and fourth line of page 104.

     p. 107   Capitalize p in paragraph in last line of paragraph beginning with “Removal”.

     p. 111   In the Financial Report the 1,926.25 for meals should be in the first column instead of the second column.

     p. 115   In the fifth line of the third paragraph “ful-time” should read “fulltime.”

     p. 118   At the bottom of the page the hyphen should be deleted after 504-3.1.1

     p. 119   At the top of the page the hyphen should be deleted after 504.3.1.2

     p. 121   A parenthesis should be inserted after the 5 under the duties. (5)

     p. 122   There should be a comma instead of a period between City and State in the second line of 702-1.1

     p. 136   In the fourth line of the first paragraph South should be capitalized.

     p. 139   Indent “resources” in the second line under 2. Seminars.

     p. 150   In line seven the Net Excess should read $102,518.45 not $1022518.45 and in the third line from the bottom the Cumulative Total Disbursements should read 2,040,608,91 instead of 2,040,608.94

     p. 176   There should be a single line under the 1,000.00 for Logo Development.

     p. 193   In Board of Pensions Balance Sheet and Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements the second column should be FYE 12/31/05 not FYE 2/31/05.

     p. 204   Insert quotation mark before Glen in second line under p. 66.

     p. 215   In the quotation of Romans 1:19 in footnote three it should read “to them” instead of

                  “tot hem”

     p. 221   Sake should not be capitalized in the quotation of Isaiah 43:25 in footnote five.

     p. 222   In footnote 1, 2 Timothy 2:25 should be in parentheses after the quote to be consistent.

     p. 233   There should be a hyphen between Multi and Staff in the title of the report.

     p. 243   Under IV Enrollment, parts b and c are not included in the statistical information.

     p. 257   The BFC under Whitehall, PA should be indented.

     p. 294   The Ministerial Candidate Committee Report begins on page 83.

Committee to Examine the Minutes of the 124th Annual Conference: Philip G. Norris, Chairman; Gary W. Saggio, Byron Widger.

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