2008 Report of Higher Education

Report of the

Board of Higher Education

            During the past year, the Board of Higher Education (BHE) met one time. The BHE continues to oversee the work of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation (PEF), and to consider how else it might foster higher education in the BFC.

The Pinebrook Educational Foundation

The Board of Directors of the PEF for the past year was as follows:

            Term expiring in 2010:           Raymond R. Dotts      Jay H. Fasnacht

            Term expiring in 2009:           Gary E. Karch            Karen Stull

            Term expiring in 2008:           Stephen C. Cassel       Judith Rychnovsky

The report of the PEF is appended to the report of the BHE

Resolved, that the Annual Conference ratify the election to the Pinebrook Educational Foundation of Stephen C. Cassel and Judith Rychnovsky for terms to end in 2011.

Other Ways of Promoting Higher Education in the BFC

            The topic of our meeting this past year has been whether the BHE has any purpose for existence any more (other than overseeing the PEF), and whether we should continue or request that the BHE be dissolved and the oversight of the PEF be turned over to another agency. We submit the following resolution to Annual Conference for its action:

Whereas, the BHE has found limited opportunities in recent years to provide services according to its stated purpose except for its supervision of the PEF; therefore be it

Resolved, that the 125th Annual Conference dissolve the BHE and transfer oversight of the PEF to the BFC Board of Directors to be governed according to Section 512-5.7 (Pinebrook Educational Foundation) of the BFC Faith & Order.

            In light of the above motion to Annual Conference, we would also recommend that Steven C. Cassel be re-elected for only a one-year term to the BHE until the dissolution can be adopted at second reading by the 126th Annual Conference and that the board position that was recently occupied by Billy Dunn remain unfilled.

Board of Higher Education: Ralph E. Ritter, Chairman; Raymond R. Dotts, Vice-chairman; Alan H. Russell, Secretary; Charles A. Bloomfield; David Bossard; Stephen C. Cassel.


2007 Annual Report

To the Board of Higher Education

            The Board of Directors of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation met three times in 2007. The Foundation received gifts totaling $2,600 in 2007.

            Significant Board actions are described below:

1.         Issued scholarship grants totaling $7,500 as follows:

            a.         $500 to Jeffrey Cole from the Ungerer Memorial Fund. Jeffrey attends Lancaster Bible College.

            b.         $1,000 to Alan G. Miller from the Ziegler Memorial Fund. Alan is enrolled in a Doctoral Program at Baptist Bible Seminary.

            c.         $1,000 to Mark Bickel from the Reverend and Mrs. R. C. Reichenbach Scholarship Fund. Mark attends Biblical Theological Seminary.

            d.         $1,000 to Krista Lenahan from the Weaver Memorial Scholarship Fund. Krista attends Word of Life Bible Institute.

            e.         $1,000 to Lindsay North from the Weaver Memorial Scholarship Fund. Lindsay attends Lancaster Bible College.

            f.         $1,000 to Edward Snyder-Ritter from the Berean Scholarship Fund. Edward attends King’s College and is a grandson of Clyde Snyder who is a graduate of Berean Bible School.

            g.         $1,000 to Elizabeth Studenroth from the Weaver Memorial Fund. Elizabeth attends Columbia International University.

            h.         $1,000 to Austin Tannous from the Ungerer Memorial Scholarship Fund. Austin attends Gordon College.

2.         Presented Stephen Cassel and Judith Rychnovsky to the Board of Higher Education for approval as nominees for ratification by Annual Conference to serve on the Board of Pinebrook Educational Foundation for a three-year term ending in 2011.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jay H. Fasnacht, Secretary

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