2008 Report of Ministerial Convention Committee

Report of the

Ministerial Convention Committee

            The annual Ministerial Convention was held on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 2-3, 2007 at Pinebrook Bible Conference Center.

            The Conference theme was “The Emerging Church Conversation.” Dr. John Franke of Biblical Seminary, Hatfield, PA, presented three thought-provoking sessions on this timely topic: Engaging Postmodern Culture, Creating Christian Community, and Reforming Theology. A fourth session was set aside for question and answers. The sessions were lively and gave opportunity for much-needed dialogue on the topic.

            At the business meeting, Timothy J. Schmoyer was elected to serve, replacing Gerald D. Clark whose term expired. We offer our thanks for the faithful service of Brother Clark.

            The Committee is constituted as follows:

                  2007 Committee                                             2008 Committee

            Raymond R. Bertolet, Chairman                    Raymond R. Bertolet, Chairman

            Steven J. DelDuco, Secretary                         Steven J. DelDuco, Secretary

            Gerald D. Clark, Treasurer                             Timothy J. Schmoyer, Treasurer

            John C. Vandegriff, Jr.                                   John C. Vandegriff, Jr.

            Philip E. Yerrington                                       Philip E. Yerrington

            Ronald C. Mahurin, Advisor                          Ronald C. Mahurin, Advisor

            Length of terms are as follows:

            1 year – Raymond R. Bertolet, Philip E. Yerrrington

            2 years – Steven J. DelDuco, John C. Vandegriff, Jr.

            3 years – Timothy J. Schmoyer

            The 2008 Ministerial Convention is scheduled for October 7-8, 2008. The convention theme will be Engaging Our Jerusalem. A number of BFC churches will be sharing their outreach strategies. In addition, the Ethnic Church Planting Committee will share how we, as a denomination, might better reach the Hispanic community.

Ministerial Convention Committee: Raymond R. Bertolet, Chairman; Steven J. DelDuco, Secretary; Timothy J. Schmoyer, Treasurer; John C. Vandegriff, Jr., Philip E. Yerrington, Ronald C. Mahurin, Advisor.

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