2008 Report of Nominations

Report of the

Committee on Nominations

A Note from the Secretary of the Committee on Nominations

             One will notice that some nominees have biographical information in this report and others do not. There are several reasons for this. A place was provided on the nomination response form for people to write something about themselves. The accompanying note stated: “If you accept the nomination, what background and/or experience information might be helpful for those considering you for this election and would commend you for service in this position.” Some took advantage of the opportunity and some did not. The ones that do not have information on this sheet either did not choose to send any or were contacted by phone late in the hunt for nominees and had no response form to send in. Also, information for people who were running unopposed was not listed. If you or someone in your church is missing biographical information and would like it made known please send it to me at <pastorhoward’@bethanybfc.org> and I will see that it is circulated at annual conference.

Respectfully submitted

Howard N. Wells

           ELECTIONS                               UP FOR RE-ELECTION            OTHER NOMINEES

Board of Christian Education

    Elect 2 Ministers for 3 years               Kevin W. Kirkpatrick

                                                                 Michael J. Tannous

    Elect 2 Laypersons for 3 years            David W. Eisenhower                         Rachel Norris

                                                                 Robin A. Musselman                          Richard Mastronardo

David W. Eisenhower: I have a degree in Christian Ed and have served as a Pastor of Christian Ed.

Robin A. Musselman: My experience as Dean and faculty member would be beneficial for Ch. Ed.

Richard Mastronardo: I have led the adult electives at Ebenezer BFC for 6 years. I teach classes and have developed curriculum, taught seminars, and am in the process of developing an online “Learning Management System” for training of the classes we offer.

Rachel Norris: Graduate of LBC in CE. I have written curriculum for Pinebrook and Victory Valley and directed Pinebrook’s children’s ministry. I have served as ministry assistant for “Kids Crossing”.

Board of Church Extension

    Elect 1 minister for 3 years                                                                              Dean Stortz

                                                                                                                              Robert A. Sloan

    Elect 1 elder for 3 years                      Clyde W. Snyder

Board of Church Health

    Elect 1 minister for 3 years                 Byron Widger

    Elect 2 elders for 3 years                     Robert A. Kaatz                                  Jerry Rasmus

Board of Communications

    Elect 1 minister for 3 years                 Ralph E. Ritter

    Elect 1 layperson for 3 years               Clyde W. Snyder

Board of Directors BFC

    Elect 1 minister for 3 years                 Randall A. Grossman

    Elect 2 elders for 3 years                     Horace A. Kauffman

                                                                 L. James Roberts, Jr.

Board of Directors BFC Homes

    Elect 1 minister for 3 years                 Leroy S. Heller

    Elect 1 layperson for 3 years               Robin A. Musselman

Board of Directors Pinebrook

    Elect 1 minister for 3 years                 Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr.                   Robert A. Johnson

    Elect 2 laymen for 3 years                   Leroy O. Herb                                     Bryan L. Snyder

                                                                 Charles D. Bomgardner                      Charles F. Webb

Charles Bomgardner: I currently serve on the board as secretary. I have worked on staff at Pinebrook.

Clyde D. Bomgardner: I have served on this board for 1.5 years.

Bryan L. Snyder: I serve as an elder, SS teacher, and worship leader. I serve as president of 3B Consultant Services, Inc.

Charles Webb: Elder at Valley BFC; IBM fellow; I have benefitted by the ministry of Pinebrook and would like to contribute to the ministry.

Board of Higher Education

    Elect 1 minister                                   (not to be filled)

    Elect 1 layperson                                 Stephen C. Cassel

Board of Missions

    Elect 1 minister for 3 years                 Ralph M. Soper

    Elect 1 layperson for 3 years               TBA

Board of Pensions

    Elect 1 minister for 3 years                 Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr. 

    Elect 1 retired minister for 3 years      David J. Watkins

    Elect 1 elder for 3 years                      L. James Roberts

Board of Victory Valley Camp

    Elect 3 ministers for 3 years                Bruce A. Ellingson                              Timothy J. Schmoyer

                                                                                                                              Greg Uhrich

Board of Youth and Young Adults

Elect 1 minister for 3 yearsRonald L. Kohl

    Elect 1 layperson for 3 years               Lisa Kellerman                                    Aaron Susek

Lisa has worked with teens for over 30 years. Was on the original regional youth planning committee for the Lehigh Valley. Works with the RWR at Pinebrook and has been working with Pastor Andy Crossgrove in setting up internet communications among the college students.

Committee on Credentials

    Elect 2 ministers for 3 years                Keith E. Plows                                    Carl J. Fischer

                                                                 David A. Thomann

    Keith Plows: I have served on this committee for 40 years.

Committee on Ministerial Candidates

    Elect 2 ministers for 3 years                Calvin T. Reed

                                                                 Richard E. Taylor

    Elect 1 minister for 2 years                 Clyde D. Bomgardner

Committee on Nominations

    Elect 2 ministers for 3 years                                                                            Raymond R. Bertolet

                                                                                                                              Robert A. Johnson

    Elect 1 layperson for 3 years                                                                           Betty Herb

Conference Judicatory

    Elect 2 ministers for 3 years                James A. Beil

                                                                 Carl C. Cassel

    Elect 2 elders for 3 years                     S. Lester Moyer

Special Appellate Judicatory

    Elect 1 minister                                   Raymond R. Dotts

    Elect 1 elder                                        Hans R. Waldvogel

Historical Committee

    Elect 1 minister                                   James A. Beil                                      Ronald L. Kohl

Ron Kohl: I was a history minor in college, and I have a deep and abiding love for it. I would be delighted to serve by writing about our roots as a denomination.

Ministerial Relations Committee

    Elect 2 ministers for 3 years                Jacob J. Susek, Jr.

                                                                 Byron Widger

    Elect 1 elder for 3 years                      L. James Roberts, Jr.

Strategic Planning Committee

    Elect 1 minister for 3 years                 Elliot H. Ramos

    Elect 1 elder for 3 years                      J. Robert Vaughn

Chairman for the 126th Annual Conference

    Elect 1 Man for 1 year                         William G. Schlonecker                      Randall A. Grossman

Vice-Chairman for the 126th Annual Conference

    Elect 1 Man for 1 year                         Calvin T. Reed

Secretary for the 126th Annual Conference

    Elect 1 man for 1 year                         David A. Thomann

Committee on Nominations: Howard N. Wells, Secretary; Charles D. Bomgrander, Nancy E. J. Grossman, Richard T. Paashaus, Richard B. Ravis, Eleanor Ruch, David R. Way

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