2000 Report of Publication and Printing

Report of the

Board of Publication and Printing

And the gospel must first be published among all nations. – Mark 13:10

     The context of Jesus’ words create incentive for publishing the gospel. The thrust of the message to His disciples is that before He returns the seed of the good news (evangel) will be scattered across the globe. Mark 13:10 emphasizes the “must” aspect of one of the requirements for Christ’s second coming. William Hendriksen puts it this way: “. . . this is God’s will, His decree from eternity.” God’s people publish with purpose. They announce with anticipation. They fully foresee God’s will work; people will believe the gospel; people will be discipled; but beyond that God will be honored.

     The word translated “published” is translated this way only four other times in the Authorized Version. It is normally translated “preach”. Yet the word suggests the kind of work that a writer, an editor, a printer or webmaster (in our case “webservant”) might do: “to proclaim openly something which has been done; to make publicly known; announce, proclaim, divulge, or promulgate.” One who publishes is a “herald.” A communication facilitator.

     The Board of Publication and Printing exists as a communication facilitator for the Bible Fellowship Church. As such we may be thought of as a sort of “herald.” When we perform well we publish what you need to know. We wish to “herald” that which will be valuable for the promotion of the BFC’s greater spiritual, intellectual, and organizational growth. We encourage your participation with us.

     In attempting to achieve the above we have had the aid of many BFC pastors, agency leaders, and members. We are very appreciative of all who have participated in making Fellowship News and our webpage what it has been over the past year. There is considerable labor exended in maintaining these parts of our “heralding” ministry. Each board member contributes substantial time and effort to the ministry of “making publicly known’ the concerns of being Bible Fellowship.

     Special thanks again to our team that edits, designs, prints, and distributes Fellowship News (FN): Carol and Clyde Snyder and Daniel P. Allen. It unnerves me to think where we would be without their loving labor. We are deeply indebted to them. Paul T. Rutman has served well as our Business Manager, diligently making sure we are financially on track and is deserving of special thanks.

     FN has been so well received that we will be adding an issue beginning in 2001. Presently only ten issues are published a year with combined issues – January-February and July-August. A February issue will be published.

     We welcome Stephen Mann as new webservant. Steve has some marvelous ideas for our webpage, many of which you will see shining forth from your computer screen soon. The maintenance of the webpage will be performed as more of a team effort in the future with brother Mann as the coordinator.

     This report would not be complete without the following reminders.

     FN articles and questions about editorial policy should go to: Carol Z. Snyder, 3091 York Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325; 717-337-3408; cebfc@enter.net

     Questions about billing of accounts should go to the Business Manager: Paul T. Rutman, Apt. 607, 824 Lisburn Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011; 717-731-1490

     Orders and checks for anything published by the Board should be sent to: Daniel P. Allen, PO Box 299, Ephrata, PA 17522; 717-733-2526; ebfc@ptd.net.

     The Board of Publication and Printing makes the following recommendations.

Resolved, that a contribution of $325.00 for the conference year 2000 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each agency to help underwrite the cost of printing and distribution of Fellowship News. Payments are to be made to the Business Manager, c/o Bible Fellowship Church of Ephrata, by December 31, 2000.

Resolved, that $1.75 per member of the Bible Fellowship Church for 2000 be forwarded to the Board of Publication and Printing from each church to help underwrite the cost of printing and distributing the Fellowship News. Payments are to be made to the Board of Publication and Printing table at the 117th Annual Conference.

Resolved, that the cost of the 2000 Yearbook be $7.50 per copy.

Board of Publication and Printing: William H. Bartron, Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; Paul T. Rutman, Business Manager; Carol Z. Snyder, Fellowship News Editor; Stephen Mann, Clyde W. Snyder, Jonathan P. Tait

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