2000 Report of Stewardship Council

Report of the

Stewardship Council

     The council met three times during the period January 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999 to conduct Bible Fellowship Church Stewardship business.

     In addition to the regular meetings Roy A. Hertzog met with the Strategic Planning Committee of the BFC to offer our support of their efforts, confirm our commitment to the future of BFC and offer assistance in stewardship areas as outlined in the bylaws. Roy has also worked hard at making the web site for Stewardship Council a reality. You may access this page through the BFC site at www.bfc.org or by itself at www.mbcweb.com/bfc.

     The Council continues to oversee the Deferred Gift Annuity Fund managed by Mennonite Foundation. These programs were created to financially assist Fellowship Manor and our local churches. The combined market value of the funds as of December 31, 1999 was $79,641.22

     In carrying out legislation passed last year to oversee and assist local churches with their deferred gift annuities, the council sent a letter to all churches and agencies to determine who has gift annuities that need to be accounted for in their annual report and to provide necessary assistance. This information is based on 40 responses to the letter from particular churches and five responses from agencies. The data sheets that were returned to the Council indicate that only one church and one agency has gift annuities.

     The first Sunday in February continues to be Stewardship Sunday. Pastors are encouraged to present a stewardship message during the morning worship service. A handy resource list of Scripture verses pertaining to stewardship can be found in the three-ring Stewardship Notes binder. If this notebook is not presently part of your church’s resources please contact Roy A. Hertzog or Phil Atkins.

Stewardship Council Members: Phil Atkins, Chairman (Victory Valley Rep.); Gary E. Karch, Acting Secretary (Member at Large); Richard J Volpe, Treasurer (Member at Large); James A. Beil (Fellowship Home Rep.); Nate Brosius (Pinebrook Bible Conference Rep.); Dan Oswald (Member at Large); Carol Z. Snyder (Church Extension Rep.); Dana E. Weller (Board of Missions Rep.); Roy A. Hertzog, Coordinator of Stewardship Services (ex-Officio member).

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