Report of the
Strategic Planning Committee
The Strategic Planning Committee did not meet since the 124th Annual Conference. The following resolutions included in last year’s report of the Strategic Planning Committee were passed at first reading:
Whereas, the work of the Strategic Planning Committee as established by the Annual Conference and outlined in the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church will no longer be necessary when the Executive Board and Executive Director are in place, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Strategic Planning Committee as described in Article 512-17 of the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church be dissolved, and further
Resolved, that the responsibilities for strategic planning now be cared for by the Executive Board and Executive Director of the BFC, and further
Resolved, that Article 512-17 as well as other references to the Strategic Planning Committee be deleted from the Faith and Order.
(First Reading)
If the 125th Annual Conference votes positively on recommendations regarding the establishment of an Executive Board and Executive Director, we ask that the before-mentioned resolutions be presented for approval at second reading. We believe that the Steering Committee preparing for the establishment of the Executive Board and Executive Director can and should adequately do the work of Strategic Planning. Therefore, the Strategic Planning Committee will no longer function.
Strategic Planning Committee: Dana E. Weller, Chairman; Richard T. Paashaus, Secretary; Robert T. Evans, Elliot H. Ramos, Richard E. Taylor, Robert Vaughn, Robert H. Zentz