2009 Report of BFC Homes

Affiliate Report of the

B.F.C. Homes, Inc.

            The Board of Directors met quarterly during 2008 to oversee the development of Fellowship Community and to monitor continuous performance improvement activities throughout the organization.

            Some of the highlights for 2008 are:

            •  Preparations for the next phase of development at Fellowship Community have begun. PHASE 7 includes building additional Assisted Living and Dementia residential units and Independent Living apartments. The project will also include a new kitchen and a conference center.

            •  Woodshop addition was completed.

            •  Park pavilion was completed.

            •  First Annual Fund Raising Campaign was completed.

            •  The Department of Health, Life Safety and the Department of Public Welfare survey results indicated that the number of deficiencies was below State and National averages.

            •  The Manor maintained full accreditation from the Joint Commission.

            •  A short term rehabilitation unit was established in the Manor.

            •  The occupancy of the Manor was maintained at 97%

            •  The occupancy of the Terrace was maintained at 95%

            •  The occupancy of the Courts was maintained at 100%

            •  The total number of employees was maintained at 275

            •  Fellowship Community continues to strive to excel in meeting the spiritual needs of the residents, their families, and the staff, through the combined efforts of Pastoral Services, Social Services and Activities. Fellowship Community continues to be blessed by the faithful service of James A. Beil, C. Herbert Dyke, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., and Frank L. Herb, Jr. In addition to these part-time chaplains, Philip E. Yerrington was added to the staff in July 2008 as a full-time chaplain, and Michael D. Roberts became the full-time director of Pastoral Services later that same month.

The chaplains complete a spiritual assessment on each admission to the Manor and Terrace, which includes informing them of the various spiritual opportunities available to them. This includes Sunday worship services in the morning and afternoon, Wednesday evening prayer meeting, daily devotions, and various Bible studies held throughout the campus. There are also special services held throughout the year. Added to these events are daily visitation, counseling, hospital visitation, as well as the attendance of family conferences, funeral services, and calling hours.

            •  Lastly, in partnership with the continuing education department of Lancaster Bible College and Graduate School, a new educational ministry, Fellowship Bible Institute, will begin offering non-credit certificate courses and pastoral seminars in September 2009. The aim is to provide theological educational opportunities for church leaders, as well as for parishioners desiring to enhance their biblical and theological foundation. Also, within the Institute will be a chaplaincy training certificate, useful not only for any future pastoral needs of Fellowship Community, but also for theological students needing to fulfill ministry internship requirements, as well as for anyone who might wish to pursue careers or volunteer work in this kind of ministry. It is the further goal of Fellowship Community that the Institute will serve as a means of defending and propagating the system of doctrine contained in the Articles of Faith, thereby serving as a forum for mutual edification and instruction.

            The residents, their families, the staff and the Board of Directors are very grateful for all the various forms of support that have been and continue to be provided by the Bible Fellowship Churches, including prayer, volunteers, special gifts and financial support.

            Note that the financial report prepared by Lisa Hazler, CPA is a condensed version of the full financial report audited by Parente Randolph, Inc. The fiscal year of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. is from July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008. The audited report from Parente Randolph is available and may be obtained by contacting the secretary of the Board.

Board of Directors, Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.: Robert H. Zentz, President; LeRoy S. Heller, Chairman; Dean A. Stortz, Vice Chairman; Bruce A. Ellingson, Secretary; John W. Trauch, Treasurer; C. Larry Bennett, David W. Cole, Robert A. Erland, Robin A. Musselman, D. Thomas Phillips, Glenn D. Ruoss, Henry U. Sandt, Hans R. Waldvogel

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