2009 Report of Christian Education

Report of the

Board of Christian Education

            This year, the board continued its transition started last year. As you may remember, many of the duties of the board were either eliminated (such as PED – Pastor, Elder, Deacon Retreat), completed (such as teaching curriculum for the BPL’s), or had run their course (such as the “Big Event” Teacher Training). However, the vision of the board to “provide guidance to the local church in carrying out the Christian education program and to provide helpful regional denominational programs for any or all aspects of the work of Christian education,” as stated in our F & O, continues.

            In addition to the course set last year, namely the creation and maintenance of a web site devoted to BFC Christian Education, this year’s transitions included a change in the organization of the board and meeting structure.

            The board organization now includes the following subcommittees:

            •          Communication –to let the BFC know we are here and what Christian Education assistance we have to offer.

            •          Research–to gather and format resources to make them accessible and useable.

            •          Teacher Training –to offer regional training opportunities to teach teachers how to teach, including the resources gathered and communicated.

            The board meeting time and day has changed to Saturdays, giving time for sub-committees to meet before lunch, time for to the whole board to meet after lunch, including sub-committee reporting, and for board members living a greater distance to attend.

Board of Christian Education: David W. Eisenhower, Chairman; Nancy A. Mertus, Secretary; Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Treasurer; Eric R. North, Scott G. Ott, John C. Studenroth, Louis Prontnicki, J. Richard Vroman, James A. Wickstead, Rachel Norris,

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