2009 Report of Church Health

Report of the

Board of Church Health

            Through Annual Conference records, conversations with pastors and elders, Natural Church Development survey results from churches, reports from church consultants, and day to day observations, the Board of Church Health monitored and sought to assess the health of churches.

            The Board was approached by a church for counsel. Several pastors were interviewed before the Board. Recommendations were sent to one church and informally given to others. Eighteen churches show church health concern in a measurable area of attendance/offerings/elders listed in §504-1.2 of the Faith and Order.

            To this point about one-third of our churches have undergone NCD self assessment surveys. The Board is returning to these to learn from their experience, to offer assistance, and to discern if recommendations have been followed and church health invigorated. All churches are encouraged to check their spiritual health with an NCD survey or similarly observant tool. Funding help is available to any church finding the initial survey expense prohibitive. The Board seeks feedback and input on training and services that have been helpful to your church.

            The following church consultants have been used by Bible Fellowship churches or are locally available:

Natural Church Development: Carl Shank, 717-653-1616 office,


Church Central – Society for Church Consulting: Bob Sloan, pastorbob@cbfc.net

Mission Mandate Ministries: David T. Allen, dta10@aol.com

Pastor to Pastors Ministry: Andy McAdams, p2pministry.com.

Ref: Jim Wickstead, Valley BFC

Biblically Balanced Ministries: Gary Becker, balancedministries.org.

Ref: Rick Harris, Denville BFC

C4ML (Catalyst for Missional Leadership): Mick Noel, mnoel@biblical.edu

Board of Church Health: Carl K. Spackman, Chairman; Robert A. Sloan, Vice Chairman; Byron Widger, Secretary; Robert C. Kaatz, Richard T. Paashaus, Gerald D. Rasmus, Ronald W. Reed, Clyde W. Snyder.

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