2009 Report of Ethnic Church Planting

Report of the

Joint Committee on Ethnic Church

            The Joint Committee met numerous times during the past year and continues to concentrate its efforts on Hispanic Church Planting. Our initial Hispanic Church Plant, the El Faro Mission Church, in Allentown, led by Pastor Elliot Ramos, has grown in the last year and El Faro continues to provide outreach and mercy to the Latino community in Allentown. Their strategic plan was implemented and produced fruit. An ESL Program began and was successful. The Mission has teamed with the Cedar Crest BFC in various outreaches and shared-ministry events. This summer a large outreach is being planned with the Cedar Crest BFC and Emmaus BFC.

            The Reading, PA, Hispanic Church Plant, La Roca, made significant progress this past year with attendance averaging near one hundred and many other families and individuals being reached in the community. Under Carlos Rodriguez’s direction La Roca is a powerful Gospel testimony in a city with great needs. Hispanic people continue to be saved and leaders are beginning to surface. Preliminary discussions began on a possible new meeting site to handle the growth. Miguel Gonzalez presented himself to work alongside Pastor Rodriguez as an intern and plans are being finalized for this internship. Miguel is a Seminary graduate.

            This past year a team from the Emmaus, PA, BFC traveled to Merida, Mexico, and held outreach meetings with the church in Merida. The trip was very successful and Bethel Church is now discussing ways to further this partnership with Merida BFC. Three members of the Committee: Elliot Ramos, Al Roberts, and David Schlonecker, along with Pastor William Schlonecker, traveled to Merida, Mexico, and presented the Church’s Charter at a special Chartering/Anniversary Service held at La Roca. The members of the Ethnic Committee also held meetings with the leaders of Merida to discuss ongoing connectional items.

            Note: The Ethnic Committee designated David Schlonecker as the contact person for any ministry trips to Merida by our Churches. If you are considering a trip to Merida, please first contact Brother Schlonecker at the Emmaus, PA, BFC.

            The Committee added Pastor Philip E. Yerrington to the Committee. Phil served in Spain as a missionary for twenty years. Phil will seek to develop our partnership with CAM International Mission. CAM is seeking to assist denominations ministering among Hispanics and planting Hispanic churches in America. A partnership agreement was approved. It could provide men from CAM’s seminaries to assist our church planting endeavors.

            The Committee’s translation team, headed by David Schlonecker, continues its work on preparing a Spanish version of the Biblical Principles for Living (BPLs). We are now arranging for the translation of Annual Conference materials into Spanish.

            Finally, we would like to encourage our Churches to reach out to the expanding number of ethnic people groups in their ministry target sites. “Ethnic people in America totaled 97 Million in 2003 and this number continues to increase. Hispanics number close to 40 million…” The BFC has many opportunities to reach ethnic people with the Gospel, especially Hispanics, and plant ethnic BFC churches. Please help us fulfill the calling God has given to reach the people of the world in our land.

            We want to thank the BFC churches for their support. In 2008, $10,000.00 was received for ethnic church planting, the most we have received in recent years. We encourage the churches of Annual Conference to increase their support for ethnic church planting. If your church has not budgeted funds for ethnic church planting, please do so. The opportunities are many and we need your support. Send your contributions to the Board of Missions, designated for Ethnic Church Planting.

Joint Committee on Ethnic Church: David E. Gundrum, Chairman; Don Faust, Secretary; Elliot Ramos, Alfred G. Roberts, Carlos G. Rodriguez, David K. Schlonecker, Dana E. Weller, Philip E.Yerrington.

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