2010 Report of Church Health

Report of the

Board of Church Health

            Serving the Particular Churches of the BFC by promoting strong church health continues to be fleshed out in practice. Workable ways to address, come alongside, or respond to churches are being tried. One pastor sought the Committee’s counsel and met with them. Several churches were visited by committee members for on-site observation and counsel. Some pastors and elders were contacted for conversational reviews. The Committee met three times and approved its “Plan to Minister” intended to prioritize its attention to churches.

            Several churches are undergoing a second Natural Church Development survey to gauge their health progress. Each church is encouraged to check their spiritual health with an NCD survey or similar tool. Funding is available to help any church with this if the expense is prohibitive.

            The resignation of Robert C. Kaatz due to time constraints was accepted.

Whereas, John C. Vandegriff and Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr., have been trained in mediation services through Peacemakers, and

Whereas, Conference Pastor Ron Mahurin suggested that these men offer their services to the Church Health Committee and Ministerial Relations Committee, and

Whereas, the Church Health Committee looks favorably on the work of Peacemakers, therefore be it

Resolved, that we endorse the ministry of Peacemakers and particularly the ministries of John C. Vandegriff and Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr., and further

Resolved, that we consider them a resource for Church Health Committee ministry in the future when applicable.

Board of Church Health: Carl K. Spackman, Chairman; Robert A. Sloan, Vice Chairman; Byron Widger, Secretary; Richard T. Paashaus, Gerald D. Rasmus, Ronald W. Reed, Clyde W. Snyder.

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