2010 Report of Ethnic Church Planning

Report of the

Joint Committee on Ethnic Church Planting

            The Joint Committee met numerous times during 2009 to assist and promote BFC Ethnic Church Planting with a focus on Hispanic church planting. Our first Hispanic Church in Allentown, PA, under the direction of Pastor Elliot Ramos, continues to be a strong Gospel witness in the city.

            The La Roca Hispanic Church in Reading, PA continues to grow under the leadership of Pastor Carlos Rodriguez. Miguel Gonzalez was called by Church Extension to serve as a Church Planter Intern to assist Pastor Carlos and the La Roca Mission Church. He is in the process of receiving his BFC credentials. Miguel is still in need of financial support. Get to meet this man and his wife, Jessica, by inviting them to share their ministry at your church.

            The Ethnic Committee realized the importance of mentoring the La Roca BFC in Merida, Mexico. The Committee appointed a Merida Task Force composed of: David Schlonecker, Elliot Ramos, Carlos Rodriguez and Al Roberts to monitor and assist La Roca. The areas of financial planning, fulfilling its BFC obligations, leadership training and encouraging fellowship and communication with other BFC churches have been the focus for the Task Force. David Schlonecker was appointed coordinator for all trips from BFC churches and visits to Merida.

            Note: The Ethnic Committee designated David Schlonecker as the contact person for any ministry trips to Merida by our Churches. If you are considering a trip to Merida, please first contact Brother Schlonecker.

            Al Roberts led a group from Harleysville BFC in June to Merida. They discussed leadership training with the elders and prospective elders. They also worked with the deacons and discussed the role of men in the church and family life. David Gundrum plans a trip in 2010 to hold a Church Planting Seminar and a follow up visit to discuss the formation of a Church Planting Institute at the Church. Pastor Dave Schoen, from the Bethel BFC, Emmaus, PA, plans a follow up trip to Merida in April to work with the newly formed puppet ministry team that grew out of Bethel’s ministry trip in July 2008. In an effort to keep Pastor Marcos informed and “in the loop” a project called “Merida is not Alone” was formed. This plan suggested that a monthly call should be made to Pastor Marcos from our BFC Pastors. Elliot Ramos will compile a list of callers and this list will be placed on the pastor’s prayer chain. Another helpful item being considered is the compilation of a handbook to be used as a Resource Manuel for Merida and future foreign church plants and churches connecting with the BFC.

            Pastor Phil Yerrington is working on developing our partnership with CAM International Mission. CAM is seeking to assist denominations ministering among Hispanics and planting Hispanic churches in America.

            The Committee’s translation team, headed by David Schlonecker and Miguel Gonzalez, completed its work on preparing a Spanish version of the Biblical Principles for Living (BPLs). The BPL’s are being translated into Spanish and we are awaiting the printed copies. The BFC Articles of Faith are available in Spanish through the Board of Communications.

            Finally, we would like to encourage the BFC Churches to reach out to the expanding number of ethnic people groups in their ministry target sites. “Ethnic people in America totaled 97 Million in 2003 and this number continues to increase. Hispanics number close to 40 million . . .” Every BFC Church has a mission field in its Jerusalem with many opportunities to reach ethnic people with the Gospel, especially Hispanics. Please help fulfill the calling God has given to His church to reach the people of the world in our land.

            We want to thank the BFC churches for their support. In 2009, over $10,000 was received for ethnic church planting. We encourage the BFC Churches to increase their support for ethnic church planting in 2010. If your church has not budgeted funds for ethnic church planting, please do so. The opportunities are many and we need your support.

            Send your contributions for ethnic church planting to the Board of Missions, designated for Ethnic Church Planting.

Joint Committee of Ethnic Church Planting: David E. Gundrum, Chairman; Donald S. Faust, Secretary; Miguel Gonzalez, Elliot H. Ramos, Alfred G. Roberts, Carlos G. Rodriguez, David K. Schlonecker, Dana E. Weller, and Philip E. Yerrington.

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