2010 Report of Examination of Church Minutes

Report of the

Committee to Examine Church Minutes

            The Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches met on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at Rev. Allan R. Vivona’s home, Fleetwood, PA.

            The minutes of Particular Churches were examined on the basis of the suggested format for congregational meetings as stated in the F&O, Article 403-3 and 403-4.

            The Committee communicated with every church reminding the pastor to send a copy of the minutes of all congregational meetings, which shall include the Board of Elders’ Report of the Membership and Annual Financial Report to:

Committee on the Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches,

c/o Rev. Ralph M. Soper, 6 Red Leaf Lane, Lancaster, PA 17602,

to arrive no later than March 1, 2010.

            The Committee expresses its appreciation once again for the use of the checklist that was sent with the letter to the churches. The committee also appreciates those churches that mailed back all of the requested documentation in exactly the precise order found on the checklist. This is a great help to the Committee in doing their work. We found that most of our churches are doing very well in keeping their records and are in conformity with the F&O. We would remind each of the churches of the need to verify evidence of financial review and a Pastoral Relations Committee Report.

            The Committee would like to remind everyone that all minutes pertaining to the previous year after the BFC Conference plus the proposed budget for the upcoming year need to be at the designated address by March 1. This may mean an adjustment as to when your congregational meeting is held but we do appreciate your cooperation.

            There were no petitions this year from the churches.

Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches: Ralph M. Soper, Chairman / Secretray; C. Larry Bennett, Ronald C. Erb, Allan R. Vivona.

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