2010 Report of Examination of Conference Minutes

Report of the

Committee to Examine A. C. Minutes

            In pursuance of our responsibility to produce accurate minutes of Annual Conference, the committee compares the approved minutes with those published in the Yearbook and proofreads the minutes and other material in the Yearbook. If you notice mistakes in the Yearbook, please notify the chairman of this committee before March 1 so it can be corrected in the committee’s report.

The following minor corrections should be made to the 2009 official minutes:

p. 4      In Report of Registrar include R. C. Reichenbach in those requested to be excused from part or all of the 126th Annual Conference.

p. 5      For Fleetwood, PA Pastor Brush’s name should be corrected to R. Jerome Brush.

p. 6      In Whitehall entry, insert comma after Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.

p. 7      Under second resolve of Committee on Arrangements list next conference to be held at Pinebrook Bible Conference in East Stroudsburg, PA.

p. 13    Under second resolve under Report of BFC Interim Executive Board it should read “be considered as Second Reading.” 

p. 18    Last report should be the Report of the Executive Director of Church Extension and two lines below should read The Executive Director, David E. Gundrum…

p. 26    The Report of the Conference Judicatory is on page 161.

The following minor corrections should be made to the remainder of the Yearbook:

iii        Location of conference should be listed as East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania and the Chairman’s middle initial should be corrected to William G. Schlonecker.

xi        Picture caption should read (l-r) Caleb, Sarah, Dave, Amy

xvii     In first line, capitalize Beneficiary Society.

xix      Top picture caption should read Matt & Sukey Lynskey

p. 1      List Sixth Meeting (Tuesday Evening) instead of Wednesday Morning.

p. 2      Caption to top picture should read Chairman William G. Schlonecker.

p. 49    In table of contents for reports it should read “Church Extension, Executive Director”

p. 84    In the first sentence of the last paragraph, insert a semicolon after Assistant Director and put a comma (not semicolon) after Administrative Assistant.

p. 92    In middle of page A Five Stage Plan should read A Five Year Plan.

p. 124  Fourth line of second paragraph should read “All of our programming keeps in mind…”

p. 139  Report is from the Joint Committee on Ethnic Church Planting.

p. 140  The committee is the Joint Committee on Ethnic Church Planting.

p. 149  Title above Balance Sheet should be Pinebrook Educational Foundational.

p. 150  Under audit note it should also read Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

p. 156  In line six of footnote insert a space between off and before.

p. 187  At end of first paragraph, delete “and goes to $1000 and $10 in 2009 (see page 179)” and replace it with “and will remain at $900 and $9 respectively for 2009 (see page 152).”

p. 198  Under Africa Inland Mission it should read Miss Rebecca Masessa.

p. 199  Coalition for Christian Outreach is in Pittsburgh, PA.

p. 206  Phone number for Old Bridge/Matawan, NJ should not be underlined.

Committee to Examine the Minutes of the 126th Annual Conference: Philip G. Norris, Chairman; Dean A. Stortz, Byron Widger.

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