2010 Report of Executive Board

Report of the

BFC Executive Board

            The Executive Board of the Bible Fellowship Church began to serve the BFC immediately following the 126th Annual Conference. The President and Chairman of the Board, Randall A. Grossman, accepted the challenge to organize the Executive Board (ExecBrd) into a working board with the goal of streamlining and administrating the BFC. Robert A. Sloan, Jr. was elected Vice President, Jay H. Fasnacht as Treasurer, and David T. Allen was elected as Secretary. There were several issues that needed immediate attention.

            One of the first things that came to us was that the Board of Victory Valley Camp had made a change in directors and the ExecBrd provided leadership in a peaceful resolution of that situation. The ExecBrd directed the Board of VVC to extend parts of the terms of separation for the previous director, Scott Ott, until the end of 2009, and the ExecBrd compensated Scott for services rendered at Pinebrook Bible Conference. In order to provide for the 2009 camping season, an interim director, Douglas J. Manwiller, was named (at the recommendation of the VVC Board) until the ExecBrd had an opportunity to further evaluate the situation. Subsequent to those initial resolutions the ExecBrd decided to extend to the interim director, Douglas J. Manwiller, a contract as Director in consultation with the VVC Board. The ExecBrd continues to meet regularly with the leadership of the camp and monitors their status and financial situation monthly.

            Pinebrook Bible Conference also needed attention. Finances had been a concern and the ExecBrd took action to assist them in this regards. Besides closely monitoring their financial situation, the ExecBrd helped facilitate the acquisition of some much needed cash. As a result of the generosity of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, a land purchase was concluded that turned over 7.70 acres of undeveloped land for a price of $125,000 from the BFC (owners of Pinebrook Bible Conference) to Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. The expenses of the sale of the land at Pinebrook Bible Conference to BFC Homes were paid out of the proceeds of the sale and the remainder of the proceeds was given to Pinebrook Bible Conference. The addition of summer retreats between the BFC weeks has helped Pinebrook resolve some of its financial shortfalls. The ExecBrd monitors the finances of Pinebrook on a monthly basis and is pleased with the progress that has been made.

            In order to assist the ExecBrd in fulfilling its many functions, several individuals and firms filled important internal and external positions for the ExecBrd. In addition, several others who were already serving in other BFC Departments were asked to work alongside of the ExecBrd.


Charles A. Lavigna as Financial Secretary, was appointed as the Health Insurance Coordinator and caretaker of the BFC Health Insurance Fund and process.

Stephen J. Kauffman and Robert T. Evans became the members of the Communication Team.

Randall A. Grossman and Robert A. Sloan, Jr. were the Board contacts for the directors of the departments until the appointment of an Executive Director.

David T. Allen, Dennis M. Cahill, Jay H. Fasnacht, and Charles A. Lavigna continued to serve as the Finance Committee for the ExecBrd.

L. James Roberts, Stephen J. Kauffman, and Robert H. Zentz served as the Personnel Committee tasked with searching for an Executive Director.

Robert T. Evans, David T Allen, Robert A. Sloan, Jr., and David A. Thomann began to work with the committees of Pinebrook Bible Conference and Victory Valley to improve understanding of their financial condition, evaluate the significance of this understanding, and also evaluate and bring back to the ExecBrd a recommendation concerning the role of camping ministry within the BFC.

Don Kuntzman, serving with the Board of Missions, was appointed as Accountant, and given the responsibility to collect monies, make deposits, and pay bills on behalf of the ExecBrd, under the direction of the ExecBrd Treasurer and Financial Secretary.

Lisa Christiansen, serving with Church Extension, was appointed as interim office secretary for the ExecBrd.


David Ross and the American Insurance Group were retained as Health Insurance Administrators for the Bible Fellowship Church.

The firm of Fitzpatrick, Lentz, and Bubba was retained as our legal representatives.

Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company was retained as the preferred church liability insurers.

            American Bank of the Lehigh Valley has become the depository of the conference funds.

            As the Board began to function it was noted that there was a piece of legislation that needed clarification. One of the department directors questioned the ExecBrd as to the meaning of the newly passed legislation (512-1.1). The phrase in question is 512-1.1 (4) – “The director of each department shall serve as a non-voting member.” This seemingly contradicted the wording of 512-1.1 (1) which stated “The BFC ExecBrd shall have thirteen members …” The inclusion of the department directors would make the ExecBrd a seventeen member board. The ExecBrd determined that the department directors will not need to attend every ExecBrd meeting, but would do so when requested by the Board or if they have a specific desire to meet with the Board. The ExecBrd determined to invite one department director to each meeting and use that time to concentrate on that department.

            Part of the work of the ExecBrd was to deal with the legal matters for the BFC. After several years of efforts, Carl C. Cassel reported that the Scranton Church dissolution was completed. Also, the IRS listing of 501(c)3 organizations will soon include the Bible Fellowship Church as a legitimate tax deductible organization. It had been missed in the past by the IRS who recognized their error, but indicated that it will still take several more months before the IRS updates its listings. A work in progress is that the copyright for the official BFC logo is almost complete.

            At each ExecBrd meeting a financial report from each of the departments and the ExecBrd was presented and evaluated. Several changes were suggested that would standardize reporting and facilitate a better understanding of our financial condition. The ExecBrd continued to monitor the real estate held by the denomination and was updated monthly on the payments made by the churches for which we hold notes and mortgages. One financial note with implications throughout the BFC is this: when a donor gives a monetary donation for some specific purpose, the church or department must respect that restriction and the moral obligation given by the donor. Any earnings on that donation, however, whether interest, dividends, gains or losses earned on restricted funds, unless also restricted by the donor, can be used by the church or the department for purposes that the church or department may determine. The ExecBrd continues to strive for excellence and integrity in our financial responsibilities and accountability.

            Bringing together all of the administrative budgets and responsibilities of the denomination into one ‘assessment’ has been a major emphasis of the ExecBrd this year. The ongoing commitment to our retired pastors or their widows requires an amount of money that needs to be paid by the denomination. In the past this was done with an amount due from each church as a church fee and a per member fee. The BFC Administrative Budget also provided a sum almost equal to the amount given by the churches. These were combined, along with the Fellowship News, Administrative Budget and other obligations, into one single assessment based on the reported amount of assessable income by each church. For the year 2010, the Annual Conference determined that two percent of a church’s assessable income would be required to meet all of these obligations. The ExecBrd has been working with this amount and has monitored and made adjustments so that all of our obligations can be paid on time.

            One goal of the ExecBrd for the year was to find an Executive Director to serve the BFC and present his name to the 127th Conference for ratification. After consideration of several candidates the Personnel Committee presented David T. Allen as their choice. The ExecBrd interviewed him and then resolved to appoint David T. Allen to be the BFC Executive Director for a term of three years subject to the ratification of the BFC Conference and that the ExecBrd hire him as the BFC Executive Director Designate starting January 1, 2010. The implementation of this took place in small steps as the director designate needed to complete some tasks at Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church before beginning full time service.

            The President of the ExecBrd, Randall A. Grossman, reminded the board of its responsibility to both administrate and provide visionary leadership for the denomination. As a committee of the whole, however, it was apparent that much more work could and should be done, but without a person dedicated to fulfilling those tasks it would not be able to do it all. Although the Executive Director Designate was not able to begin fully serving in January, by the middle of February he was dedicated to serving the denomination. Although BFC Homes will have office space for the ExecBrd and the departments to call home, it will not be ready until sometime in 2011. In the meantime, the Board of Missions has made an office available for the Executive Director to share at its facility on Brookside Road in Allentown, Pa.

The ExecBrd brings the following resolutions for consideration:

1.         Resolved, that 512-1.1(4) be deleted. (First Reading)

2.         Resolved, that David T. Allen be ratified as Bible Fellowship Church Executive Director for a three year term of service.

3.         Resolved, that the proposed Bible Fellowship Church budget for 2011 (funded by a church assessment of 2%) be adopted.

4.         Proposed changes to the F&O

512-1 The Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board

Resolved, that the following be amended as First Reading: (New section in bold)

The Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board (BFC Executive Board) performs the executive function of the denomination. It shall have and exercise in the name and on behalf of the corporation all rights and privileges conferred by the charter creating the corporation. This activity must always be in conformity with the Faith and Order and with the rules, decisions, and directives of BFC Conference. It shall provide leadership for the BFC by proposing strategic direction to the BFC Conference, implementing direction through the oversight of the BFC departments, and monitoring progress in the direction approved by the BFC Conference. It shall have the authority between the meetings of the BFC Conference to execute the decisions made by that body.

5.         Resolved, that the following be deleted as First Reading:

512-1.1 Composition, Election, and Terms of Office

            Delete this paragraph

            (4) The Director of each department shall serve as a non-voting member

6.         Resolved, that the following be amended as First Reading:

Church Extension Ministries

            512-4.2 Composition and Election


(1) – The Board of Church Extension will be composed of the Executive Director of Church Extension Ministries, five ministers and five elders. Classes shall be formed as follows:

                                    Class I Two ministers and two elders

                                    Class II Two ministers and two elders

                                    Class III One minister and one elder

                 Change to:

(1) – The Board of Church Extension will be composed of the Director of Church Extension Ministries, and selected ministers and members of BFC churches.


                        (2) The Executive Director shall be called by the Board of Church Extension.

                 Change to:

                        (2) The Director shall be appointed by the BFC Executive Board


(3) Each class of the Board of Church Extension shall be elected in turn annually by ballot by the Board of Church Extension, subject to ratification by the BFC Conference.

            Change to:

(3) The Board of Church Extension will select members to serve on the board who have a heart for Church Extension Ministries and can provide valuable assistance to the board. The number of members will be determined by the Director after consultation with the BFC Executive Board. Members will be presented to the BFC Executive Board for ratification to a three year term of office before beginning service on the board. All members must be members in good standing within a Bible Fellowship Church.

(4) – Delete

512-4.3 Duties


(10) It shall make a written report of its activities to BFC Conference.

     Change to:

(10) It shall make a written report of its activities to the BFC Executive Board.

512-4.4 Director (Delete Executive) of Church Extension Ministries


The Executive Director of Church Extension Ministries shall be an ordained minister of the BFC. He shall, by virtue of his office, be a member of the Board of Church Extension and shall be accountable to the Board of Church Extension for his ministry.

     Change to:

The Director of Church Extension Ministries shall be an ordained minister of the BFC. He shall, by virtue of his office, be a member of the Board of Church Extension and shall be accountable to the BFC Executive Board.

Board of Missions

            512-6.3 Election


(1) The Director, who must be either an ordained minister or elder, shall be elected for a term of three years by the Board of Missions subject to ratification by the BFC Conference

            Change to:

                 (1)   The Director shall be appointed by the BFC Executive Board.


(2) The Financial Secretary shall be elected for a term of three years by the Board of Missions, but not necessarily from the Board. If he is elected from outside the Board, he is subject to ratification by the BFC Conference and only then becomes a voting member of the Board of Missions.

            Change to:

(2) The Financial Secretary shall be selected by the Board of Missions in consultation with and subject to ratification of the BFC Executive Board.


(3) Four ordained ministers and four laypersons shall be elected by BFC Conference for terms of three years in the following classes:

                                    Class I One minister and one layperson

                                    Class II Two ministers and one layperson

                                    Class III One minister and one layperson

            Change to:        

(3)The Board of Missions will select members to serve on the board who have a heart for missions and can provide valuable assistance to the board. The number of members will be determined by the Director after consultation with the BFC Executive Board. Members will be presented to the BFC Executive Board for ratification to a three year term of office before beginning service on the board. All members must be members in good standing within a Bible Fellowship Church.

            512-6.4 Duties of the Board of Missions 

(1) – Add to the end of the first sentence:

To formulate objectives and policies for the missions program of the BFC as directed by BFC Executive Board.

(7) – change – “BFC Conference” to “BFC Executive Board.”


To submit a written report to BFC Conference.

Change to:

To submit a written report to BFC Executive Board.

            512-6.5 Duties of the Board Officers

(4) – Financial Secretary – change “Board of Missions” to “Executive Board.”


Financial Secretary. Under the Director and the Board of Missions, he shall be responsible for overseeing monies received, disbursed, and invested, and to circulate appropriate statements and other reports as directed by the Board of Missions.

Change to:

Financial Secretary. Under the Director and the Executive Board, he shall be responsible for overseeing monies received, disbursed, and invested, and to circulate appropriate statements and other reports as directed by the Executive Board.

Pinebrook Bible Conference

            512-8 Board (Delete of Directors) of Pinebrook Bible Conference

            512-8.1 Composition and Election


(1) It shall be composed of five ministers and eight laymen and the Bible Conference Director.

(2) The ministers and laymen shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:

                                    Class I Two ministers and three laymen

                                    Class II Two ministers and three laymen

                                    Class III One minister and two laymen

Change to:

(1) Pinebrook Bible Conference Board is composed of a Director and a Board.

                        (2) The Director shall be appointed by the BFC Executive Board.

(3) The Pinebrook Board will select members to serve on the board who have a heart for Pinebrook Bible Conference and can provide valuable assistance to the board. The number of members will be determined by the Director after consultation with the BFC Executive Board. Members will be presented to the BFC Executive Board for ratification to a three year term of office before beginning service on the board. Because of the various ministries of Pinebrook Bible Conference, the Board shall be composed of individuals with at least 2/3rds who are members in good standing at a Bible Fellowship Church and the remaining individuals must be inagreement with the Articles of Faith and a member in good standing with a Bible-believing church.

            512-8.2 Duties


(3) It shall hire a director who will be responsible for the immediate supervision and operation of the Conference.

Change to:

 (3) It will assist the Director who is responsible for the immediate supervision and operation of the Conference.


(6) It shall establish all full time personnel salaries and shall approve an annual budget as recommended by the director and the Finance Committee.

Change to:

(6) Other than the Directors compensation package, it shall establish all full time personnel salaries and shall approve an annual budget as recommended by the director and the Finance Committee.

Victory Valley Camp

510-10.1 Composition and Election


                        (1) The Board shall be composed of four ministers and five laypersons.

                        (2) They shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:

                                    Class I Three laypersons

                                    Class II Three ministers

                                    Class III One minister and two laypersons

Change to:

(1) The Board is composed of a Director and other members.

(2) The Director shall be appointed by the BFC Executive Board.

(3) The Victory Valley Board will select members to serve on the board who have a heart for Victory Valley and can provide valuable assistance to the board. The number of members will be determined by the Director after consultation with the BFC Executive Board. Members will be presented to the BFC Executive Board for ratification to a three year term of office before beginning service on the board. Because of the various ministries of Victory Valley Camp, the Board shall be composed of individuals with at least 2/3rds who are members in good standing at a Bible Fellowship Church and the remaining individuals must be inagreement with the Articles of Faith and a member in good standing with a Bible-believing church.

510-10.2 Duties


                        (5) It shall secure and provide for the training of the camp staff.

Change to:

(5) Along with the Director it shall secure and provide for the training of the camp staff.


                        (9) It shall report to BFC Conference.

Change to:

                        (9) Through the Director it shall report to the BFC Executive Board.

Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board: Randall A. Grossman, President; Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Vice President; Jay H. Fasnacht, Treasurer; David A. Thomann, Secretary; David T. Allen, Executive Director Designate, Dennis M. Cahill, Carl C. Cassel, Robert T. Evans, Charles A. Lavigna, Stephen J. Kauffman, L. James Roberts, Robert H. Zentz

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