2010 Report of Higher Education

Report of the

Board of Higher Education

            During the past year, the Board of Higher Education did not meet as reflects the recommendation offered in previous years that the Board be dissolved. Our report and recommendations are the product of email conferencing.

            Changes in BFC governance required that we update the language of our previous recommendation for dissolution. Therefore, we present the following:

1.         Whereas, the Board of Higher Education has found limited opportunities in recent years to provide services according to its stated purpose except for its supervision of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation; therefore be it

Resolved, that the 127th Conference dissolve the Board of Higher Education and transfer oversight of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation to the BFC Executive Board (ExecBd) to be governed according to §512–5.7 (Pinebrook Educational Foundation) of the BFC F&O.

The Pinebrook Educational Foundation

The Directors of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation for the past year were as follows:

            Term expiring in 2012 :

                        Gary E. Karch; Karen Stull

            Term expiring in 2011 :

                        Stephen C. Cassel; Judith Rychnovsky

            Term expiring in 2010 :

                        Raymond R. Dotts; Jay H. Fastnacht

The report of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation is appended to this report.

2.         Resolved, that the 127th Conference ratify the election to the Pinebrook Educational Foundation of Raymond Dotts and Jay Fasnacht for terms to end in 2013.

Board of Higher Education: Ralph E. Ritter, Chairman; Raymond R. Dotts, Vice-chairman; David T. Allen, Charles A. Bloomfield, David Bossard, Daniel A. Ruch, Harold E. Snyder.

Pinebrook Educational Foundation

2009 Annual Report

To the Board of Higher Education

            The Board of Directors of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation met two times in 2009.

            The Foundation received gifts totaling $4,700 in 2009, including a bequest of $2,000 from the Cora Naomi Guttman Estate.

            The downturn in the national economy had a drastic effect on the Foundation’s investments. Accordingly, the Board decided that no scholarships would be granted in 2009.

            Raymond Dotts and Jay Fasnacht were presented to the Board of Higher Education for approval as nominees for ratification by Annual Conference to serve on the Board of Pinebrook Educational Foundation for a three-year term ending in 2013.

Respectfully submitted,

Jay H. Fasnacht, Secretary

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