2010 Report of Historical Committee

Report of the

Historical Committee

            The duties of the Historical Committee, according to the Faith and Order, include the following:

      (1) It shall develop and encourage the study of the history of the denomination.

      (2) It shall maintain denominational archives for the accumulation of materials and memoirs relating to the history of the denomination.

      (3) It shall appoint an archivist, who shall be responsible for the maintenance and oversight of the archives.

      (4) It shall determine policy and procedure by which the archivist can maintain and supplement the historical material of the denomination.

      (5) It shall assist the archivist in the collection of relevant historical materials.

      (6) It shall receive and disburse funds received from the Administrative Budget, churches, and individuals.

      (7) It shall encourage each Particular Church and mission to maintain a file of important documents relating to the historical development of the local fellowship.

      (8) It shall make an annual report to BFC Conference.

            The Committee has continued to fulfill these duties to the best of its ability believing its work to be significant and important. Perhaps the only controversy we face is just how important this work is. Some write off historical work as a waste of time since we don’t live in the past and who cares anyway? Others understand that the past is the soil from which our present and future grows. Understanding what we have been helps to understand what we are becoming. We are seeing significant changes in our leadership structures and how things get done. Understanding where we were weak and where we were strong and where we succeeded and where we failed will be important during this time of transition. The Historical Committee will continue its work of maintaining our story and in so doing desires to be a servant to help us on our journey of becoming a denomination that effectively serves Christ and His kingdom.

            In addition to its various publications, the Committee maintains a website of resources to provide information and study material for those who want to learn from what we have done to bring us to where we are. Visit our on line library at www.BFCHistory.org.

            The Historical Society held this year’s meeting at the Zionsville BFC. Two presentations were featured. Ron Hoyle told the story of the Zionsville Congregation. Jill Davidson shared her research on the Kauffman family and its impact on the BFC. The Historical Society will meet next at Emmanuel BFC in Sunbury, PA, on October 30, 2010. The agenda will include the history of the Sunbury Church and the story of the Gospel Workers Society to be presented by Ron Kohl, pastor at Grace BFC, Quakertown, PA.

Historical Committee: Jill Davidson, Chairperson; Richard E. Taylor, Archivist and Secretary; Carl C. Cassel, Ronald W. Hoyle, Ronald L. Kohl, Harold P. Shelly

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