Report of the
Ministerial Convention Committee
The 2009 Ministerial Convention was a great success. Pastors and their wives gathered at Pinebrook Bible Conference on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 6-7. The Convention’s theme was “Preaching from the Old Testament” with guest speaker Dr. Philip Ryken. Session topics included preaching the Old Testament, preaching Christ from the Old Testament, preaching clearly from the Old Testament, and preaching Christian living from the Old Testament. In attendance were a total of 64 people.
At the business meeting, Robert B. Kramer and Mark Bickel were elected to serve on the Committee. Outgoing committee members were Steven J. DelDuco and John C. Vandegriff, Jr. We offer a heartfelt thank you to the brothers for their diligent service to the BFC.
The Committee is constituted as follows:
2009 Committee 2010 Committee
Daniel L. Williams, Chairman Daniel L. Williams, Chairman
Steven J. DelDuco, Secretary Robert B. Kramer, Secretary
Timothy J. Schmoyer, Treasurer Timothy J. Schmoyer, Treasurer
John C. Vandegriff, Jr. Mark A. Bickel
Alan G. Miller Alan G. Miller
Ronald C. Mahurin, Advisor Ronald C. Mahurin, Advisor
Length of terms are as follows:
1 year – Timothy J. Schmoyer
2 years – Alan G. Miller, Daniel L. Williams
3 years – Robert B. Kramer and Mark A. Bickel
The 2010 Ministerial Convention is scheduled for October 5-6 at Pinebrook. Our guest speaker will be Mark Dever, pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC. He is a founder of 9Marks Ministries, providing support for churches seeking to be strong and healthy in doctrine and practice. The theme of the Convention is “Marks of a Healthy Church.”
Ministerial Convention Committee: Daniel L. Williams, Chairman; Robert B. Kramer, Secretary; Timothy J. Schmoyer, Treasurer; Mark A. Bickel; Alan G. Miller; Ronald C. Mahurin, Advisor.