2011 Report of Beneficiary Society

Report of the

Beneficiary Society

Praise ye the Lord, O ye servants of the Lord,

Praise the name of the Lord.

Psalm 113:1

          God has called home five of His beloved servants who have been precious in His sight and faithful in their ministry for their wonderful Lord. Four of these were our co-workers as ministers of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. One joyfully served as a godly Pastor’s wife for many years and will join her husband in glory. They were as follows: Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., James E. Beil, David E. Thomann, C. Larry Bennett, Mrs. Bea Koch. All will be missed by those who were the recipients of their loving Christian care and fellowship. The Society responded to their home-going with financial checks for the funeral expenses. The Society also remembered Mrs. Elizabeth Bartron with a monthly allowance according to the rules and regulations of the Society.

          The Beneficiary Society has faced a drain on its assets by the large number of deaths in 2010 and by the shrinking interest income from the investments. This may cause an increase in rates so that it may continue to meet the need of its members. Pray for the officers to be given wisdom in this situation.

Beneficiary Society: Philip Norris, Chairman; R. C. Reichenbach, Secretary; LeRoy S. Heller, Treasurer

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