2011 Report of Christian Education

Report of the

Board of Christian Education

“We sailed slowly for a number of days and arrived with difficulty off Cnidus, and as the wind did not allow us to go farther, we sailed under the lee of Crete off Salmone. Coasting along it with difficulty, we came to a place called Fair Havens, near which was the city of Lasea.” (Acts 27:7-8 ESV)

            There are times in our lives, individually and corporately, when “all the wind seems to go out of our sails” and we find ourselves “coasting along with difficulty.” Such has been the experience of our committee this past year.

            As of the date of this report, our committee has met three times since our previous report (to the 127th annual meeting of the BFC Conference). After much discussion about our proper role at this point in BFC history, we felt that a significant milestone was reached at our second meeting when we reached a solid consensus and passed the following motion:

Resolved, for the next two years the BFC Board of Christian Education will

               •  Develop a curriculum based on the BFC Articles of Faith and Biblical Principles for Living (BPL’s);

               •  Develop or provide recommendations for other materials compatible with the BFC Articles of Faith and BPL’s (a forum or clearinghouse).

            A subsequent motion was then passed to seek contracts with two individuals: 1) a primary contract “to develop BFC compatible Adult Curriculum and develop a website and resource clearinghouse,” and 2) a secondary contract “to develop BFC compatible Children’s Curriculum.” Two very capable and highly motivated individuals were found to fill these two positions, and some initial progress was made. But then our fortunes changed and the Adult Curriculum developer had to cease his work for us. Whereas we had stated that our committee’s final approval of the Adult Curriculum was to be the initiation point for the children’s version, the entire curriculum-writing process ground to a halt.

            As we enter the new year, our committee is praying for wisdom, searching for another competent and highly motivated Adult Curriculum writer, evaluating other possible options and assignments for our committee, and staying in touch with the BFC Executive Director for advice. We hope to meet again this Spring to set our strategy so that we can “catch the wind in our sails” and bless the entire BFC in whatever ways God may lead us.

Christian Education Committee: John C. Studenroth, Acting Chairman; J. Richard Vroman, Acting Secretary; Davis E. Duggins, Treasurer; David W. Eisenhower, Chairman on leave; Mark E. Barninger; Timothy J. Bertolet; Richard Mastronardo; Rachel Norris; Scott G. Ott; David J. Peters; Michael D. Roberts; Thomas J. Sorg.

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