2011 Report of Church Health

Report of the

Board of Church Health

            The Board of Church Health met three times this past year…to interact about YOU…our local churches. It is our desire to encourage you, understand your needs, and help you maintain your health so that the BFC can continue to grow strong in the Lord.

            This year members of our Board visited with the elders of local churches to discuss each church’s ministry and health. Board members also visited with the pastors of two other churches for updates on their ministries. Their evaluations and reports on those visits were shared with the rest of the Board of Church Health and we are maintaining contact with these pastors and elders for ongoing support.

            Executive Director of the BFC, David T. Allen, has met with us several times and has been a significant help in our work. His observations and encouragement have been invaluable.

            The leadership of Calvary BFC in Walnutport has requested the input of the Board this year. We are currently working with the Walnutport church and other sister churches within reasonable driving area to support them in their efforts. One other church in our fellowship underwent a self-study with Natural Church Development this past year with Rev. Carl Shank. We encourage all of our churches to consider this self-evaluation and will assist them in doing so if the cost is prohibitive.

            We found that the Ministerial Convention with Mark Devers (“IX Marks of a Healthy Church”) was profitable and valuable for promoting strong church health in the BFC. Our thanks goes to the Ministerial Convention Committee for making this seminar possible.

            The goal of the Board of Church Health is to interact with at least four churches a year in order to assist with their evaluation and provide input to encourage their growth and health. A healthy small church? A healthy large church? We are finding that health is not necessarily commensurate with numbers…but it is our goal to help each church accomplish the goals and purposes the Lord has given them.

            After many years of faithful service, Dr. Ronald W. Reed has resigned from the Board due to other responsibilities. Also Gerald D. Rasmus resigned for similar employment reasons.

            Continue to pray for your Board of Church Health as we seek to provide all of our fellowships with encouragement, counsel, and support in the year ahead.

Board of Church Health: Carl K. Spackman, Chairman; Richard T. Paashaus, Vice Chairman; Byron Widger, Secretary; Jason Hoy, Gerald D. Rasmus, Ronald W. Reed, David N. Schoen, Clyde W. Snyder.

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