2011 Report of Examination of Conference Minutes

Report of the

Committee on Examination

of BFC Conference Minutes

            In pursuance of our responsibility to produce accurate minutes of BFC Conference, the committee compares the approved minutes with those published in the Yearbook and proofreads the minutes and other material in the Yearbook. If you notice mistakes in the Yearbook, please notify the chairman of this committee before March 1 so it can be corrected in the committee’s report.

            The following minor corrections should be made to the 2010 official minutes:

p. 19    First Reading material should be 512-10.1 (not 510-10.1) and 512-10.2 (not 510-10.2).

p. 27    It should read “Report of Victory Valley Camp Board.”

p. 33    In the third paragraph the article being amended should be Article 403-1.3.

            The following minor corrections should be made to the remainder of the Yearbook:

iii        Location of conference should be listed as East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.

p. 57    There should not be a period after Scott in the name Wright, Robert Scott

p. 70    The proposed material for Victory Valley Camp should be 512-10.1 (not 510-10.1) and 512-10.2 (not 510-10.2).

p. 74    Under Anticipated Expenses, pastor should be capitalized in Conference Pastor.

p. 79    In line 11, the period after the quotation mark should be eliminated.

p. 80    The Balance for December 31, 2009 in the Financial Report for the Conference Pastor should not be enclosed in parenthesis since it is a positive balance not a deficit.

p. 106  The first sentence under point 7 should read “The BOM provides a missionary family for each of the seven weeks of family camp…”

p. 108  In the chart at the bottom of the page under Caribbean it should state 1 family and 2 (not 6) adults.

p. 111  In the entry for David and Becky Riddell, the “d” should be capitalized in Director.

p. 114  Note 2 should read “prepared” in line 1.

p. 118  Under Hymn Sings there should be a comma after Oct. 1 instead of a semicolon.

p. 132  Eliminate second comma after Scott G. Ott’s name under the Board of Christian Education.

p. 133  The comma in the name of the retreats should be changed so it reads “Here Am I, Send Me.”

p. 136  The title for the Balance Sheet should be Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

p. 146  Title of committee should read “Report of the Committee to Examine the Minutes of the 126th Annual Conference” to agree with page 30 when the report was presented.

p. 150  In the proposed legislation under number 2 there should not be hyphens between 40 and year in lines six and nine.

p. 182  Under Africa Inland Mission it should read Miss Rebecca Masessa (appointee)

p. 183  The address for Coalition for Christian Outreach should be Pittsburgh, PA.

Committee on Examination of the BFC Conference Minutes: Philip G. Norris, Chairman; Timothy J. Bertolet, Kurt P. Francis.

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