2011 Report of Missions

Report of the

Board of Missions

And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and

Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.

Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

They immediately left their nets and followed Him.

Going on from there, He saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee, and John his

brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets. He called them,

and immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed Him.

Mark 4:18-22 (NKJV)

            In this passage from Mark, Jesus is beginning His Galilean ministry. His path has taken Him beside the sea where some fishermen are actively at work. It is likely in the morning, maybe shortly after daybreak. The men fishing are trying to get their final catch for the day before the sun warms the water and the fish head for cooler, deeper water. The seashore is a busy place at this time of day. Merchants are arriving to buy fish to be sold in their shops in the nearby towns. Bystanders are there as well, curious to see what kind and how many fish have been caught. Some fathers with their young sons have been there from daybreak as well, teaching their sons the nuances of fishing and building memories. Likely, later in the day, back at home, some tales of the big fish that got away will be told with much gusto and animation.

            Into this scene walks Jesus. He exchanges pleasant-morning-greetings with many he passes. He threads his way among the people bypassing old rotted hulls of boats that will never sail again. Jesus, too, enjoys the crispness of the morning and the unique aroma of salty fishy sea air. He passes a number of fishing boats anchored on the shore, and then stops where Simon and his brother are casting their nets into the sea. Jesus calls to them “Follow Me …”. Immediately, Simon and Andrew leave their nets, their boat, and the fish they caught, and follow Jesus.

            A short distance further along the shore, Jesus sees two other brothers James and John. They are mending nets with their father, Zebedee, and some hired hands. Zebedee has a successful fishing business and is pleased that his sons Simon and John have learned the fishing trade. They will carry on the business when Zebedee is old and unsteady and hence no longer able to venture out onto the water. Again, Jesus stops, and this time calls to Zebedee’s sons. [“Follow Me.”] Immediately, James and John leave their father, their friends, and the family business and follow Jesus.

            Immediately. No hesitation. No questioning. No qualifications. No looking back. Immediately. Four men would have their lives changed forever. They would impact their world, and ours, in an exponentially greater way than if they had remained fishermen. All because they said Yes to Jesus call to “Follow Me.”.

            The members of the Board of Missions have the exciting and rewarding task of interviewing folks who also have said “Yes” to Jesus call to “Follow Me.” Husbands and wives, newlyweds, young and middle-aged people, single ladies and men, all come to the Board of Missions to be approved as BFC missionary candidates, and in the process share their story as to how they heard Jesus “Follow Me” and they share the ministry vision that Jesus has laid on their heart.

            Unexpectedly, a married mother whose children are grown hears Jesus “Follow Me.” She comes to the Board of Missions to tell her story. A friend had asked her to assist briefly with a small task associated with an international ministry. As she actively pursues the task given her, she becomes aware of the great impact this ministry has around the world. She is busy with many other responsibilities in her life , but her interest in and love for this new ministry keeps growing . One day she dreams … what could happen in my world, with my friends, at my church, in my city if I … [Her “Follow Me”]. As she shares her story during her interview with the Board her excitement and enthusiasm are unbounded.

            A middle-aged man and his wife come to share their story. He is a successful business man, an entrepreneur. He knows how to start and manage businesses successfully. Over time he becomes aware of the challenges and poverty facing many small and emerging countries around the world. He realizes God has given him the business and people skills which could be used to help men and families in these 3rd world countries start and run their own business and thus reduce the cycle of poverty. [His “Follow Me”]. He can use his business background in practical ways making friends as he does and share his faith in the process. He and his wife know their life style will change but they both firmly believe this is God’s calling for them.

            A man and his wife have successful careers doing work that they thoroughly enjoy and from which they receive a genuine sense of accomplishment. They have taken several short term missions trips with their church. The impact of these trips, seeing the fields that are ripe unto harvest, becomes their “Follow Me.”. But first they have to answer the question, ‘Am I willing to give up the career I studied for and love?’ They both independently conclude that they are certain of God’s call on their lives to enter full time ministry. They apply to the Board of Missions to become BFC missionaries and share the details of their story.

            These are just three of the stories the Board of Missions hears in a year. Each story is unique but at some point in the missionary applicant’s story, you will recognize Jesus call to “Follow Me”.

The Board of Missions

            The purpose of the BFC Board of Missions is to assist the local BFC to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ.  This is accomplished by directing and promoting the missions programs as well as selecting, overseeing, and caring for the missionaries of the BFC, in cooperation with the local church and sending mission agency. The scope of this work extends to all the world, to all people groups, and to present and future generations.

            The Board of Missions is composed of twelve members; namely, Dana E. Weller, Director; Donald Kuntzman, Associate Director, Ralph M. Soper, Chairman; Thomas P. Shorb, Vice Chairman; Daniel Oswald, Financial Secretary; Robert W. Davies, Secretary, Donald E. Faust, Sue Figard, Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Kim Stengele, Craig Tress, Philip E. Yerrington.

The Board of Missions Staff

Below is a list of the services provided by the staff of the Board of Missions:

1. Missionary Care

The Staff is available and willing to meet with those considering missionary service and with BFC missionaries who need advice or counsel regarding their ministry. Visits to fields of ministry are undertaken to assist and encourage our missionaries as needs and opportunities arise. Part of this missionary care includes communicating with over 40 mission sending boards under which the BFC’s over 150 adult missionaries serve. This communication includes being an advocate for each of the BFC missionaries.

2. Seminars

The Board of Missions offers a host of informational resources to BFC churches.

• Design Your Impact Workshop – This five-hour seminar enables church leaders to discover their congregation’s key characteristics and resources (their DNA) and move toward identifying a strategic missions focus that can unleash a powerful, new, global dynamic from their church. 

• Knowing Gods Will Seminars are conducted each year on a denominational level at a fall Retreat Within a Retreat (RWR) held at Pinebrook. This information is also useful as a weekend course for a youth group in a local church setting. 

• P.O.M. (Parents of Missionary) Retreats – This weekend retreat seminar is designed to keep the parents of our missionaries on track with the ministry of their sons and daughters (and grandchildren) overseas.

• Culture Link Seminars is a program that prepares your short-term missionary teams to be fully prepared for ministry. This is a necessary seminar for any church serious about getting the most from a cross-cultural experience.

• Speaker Resource – The office personnel remain available for mission emphasis in local congregations. This includes all stated public worship services, Sunday School, mission conferences, and special events. The office also provides a complete listing on our website (see #3) of our missionaries that are currently available for your missionary event needs.

• Mentoring Services are available to assist a church’s board of elders and missions committee in developing a comprehensive, long range, and balanced outreach plan that uses every member in God’s global cause.

• Short-term Planning Advice and Assistance is designed to help you and your church partner with your missionaries. Chris Merrick (Short-Term Projects Coordinator) and Nelson Randolph Short-Term Partnership Coordinator) will assist with short term missions trip planning.

3. Prayer Calendar

This publication provides current prayer information for your congregation. The new format is an attractive, readable prayer aid and is offered to churches at a reduced rate. Nearly 1900 are sent out each month.

4. Board of Missions Website

The Board of Missions website is quickly becoming a focal point of information for everyone interested in missions within the BFC. This site continues to grow with useful information for the church leadership and anyone seeking God’s direction for possible service through the Board of Missions.  Personal support needs and biographical information are continually updated and available 24 hours a day. There are also helpful links for planning short-term or career missions involvement. The Board of Missions is now on ‘facebook’. A Calendar of Events is provided with information concerning BFC missions related meetings and activities and includes a search by date function. You may log onto the site at www.bfcbom.org.

5.         Email Subscriber Lists

• Daily Prayer is a daily e-mail that allows subscribers to view the Prayer Calendar request for the day, in addition to receiving up-to-the-minute news and prayer requests from the field.

• Friday Prayer is an in-depth prayer document produced each Friday and sent by e-mail. This communication, designed for missionary-to-missionary contact, is also available to a select group of other prayer partners. 

• Tanzania Project Prayer Guide is a monthly guide to promote the Tanzania Project.

• “Let’s Fish” is a newsletter, produced each Wednesday, and is designed to keep those interested in short-term missionary trips and possible career missionary involvement on the cutting edge. It is an outlet for the exchange of ideas, as well as prayer and ministry opportunities. This document enjoys a readership from ages fourteen years through adult, and includes pastors, missionaries, youth leaders, mission chair persons, laymen, and students. There is a readership of nearly 250 each week. A full archive is available on the BOARD OF MISSIONS website.

6. May Missionary Rally

This annual gathering of missionaries and Bible Fellowship churches provides a world-wide panorama of missions, both local and overseas. It is an opportunity for networking and interaction among individuals as they endeavor to draw attention to God’s heart for the world in their churches. A children’s program for Kindergarten through 8th grade has become a successful part of this day. This year’s rally will be held Thursday May 12th, 2011 at the Lebanon BFC in Lebanon, PA.

7. Missionary In-Residence at Pinebrook Bible Conference Summer Family Camp

The Board of Missions provides a missionary family for each of the seven weeks of family camp to promote missions in the Bible Fellowship Denomination. Each week the campers have opportunity to interact with a missionary from the Bible Fellowship Church at a very personal level. Additionally, the missionaries have opportunities to present their ministries during public meetings.

8. Office Activities

The office remains the hub for donor and church information and financial processing. We compile and maintain all the necessary information to keep individuals and churches abreast of the financial needs of the entire missionary family. Receipting of financial donations is meticulously recorded for both the donor’s and the missionary’s records. At the end of each month checks are sent by the Board of Missions to each sending board for the amount of monies received for each BFC missionary serving under that board. Addresses and birthdays are kept up to date and extensive planning is undertaken for the annual Missions Rally.

            The Board is especially thankful for the dedication and commitment of the Board of Missions Staff as they faithfully carry out their many daily tasks and responsibilities.

Robert W. Davies

Secretary Board of Missions

for Dana E. Weller, Director

Board of Missions: Ralph M. Soper, Chairman; Thomas P. Shorb, Vice Chairman; Robert W. Davies, Secretary; Daniel Oswald, Treasurer; Donald Faust, Susan Figaro, Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Kim Stengel, Craig Tress, Philip E. Yerrington.

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