2011 Report of Nominations

Report of the

Committee on Nomination

A Note from the Secretary for the Committee on Nominations

            One will notice that some nominees have biographical information in this report and others do not. There are several reasons for this. A place was provided on the nominations response form for people to write something about themselves. The accompanying note stated: “If you accept the nominations, what background and/or experience information might be helpful for those considering you for this election and would commend you for service in this position.”

            Some took advantage for the opportunity and some did not. The ones that do not have information on this sheet either did not choose to send any or were contacted by phone late in the hunt for nominees and had no response form to send in. Also, information for people who were running unopposed was not listed. If you or someone in your church is missing biographical information and would like it made known please send it to me at raybertolet@verizon.net and I will see that it is circulated at annual conference.

Respectfully Submitted,

Raymond R. Bertolet

ElectionsUp for Re-ElectionOther Nominees

Committee for Church Health
(Ch – Carl Spackman)  
Elect 1 Minister for 3 yearsByron WidgerAlan Miller
 Mark Morrison
Elect 2 Elders for 3 yearsJason L. HoyRonald E. Miller
 Robert E. Salzman
Jason L. Hoy serves as Elder & Pastor of Congregational Care, oversees counseling and visitation ministries and is acting Interim Senior Pastor at Ebenezer BFC


Executive Board
(Ch – Randall A. Grossman)  
Elect 2 Ministers for 3 yearsRonald L. KohlSteven J. DelDuco
Robert A. Sloan 
Elect 2 Elders for 3 yearsJay H. Fasnancht 
Charles A. Lavigna, Jr 
Jay H. Fastnacht serves as Elder and Church Treasurer for 25-years at Cedar Crest BFC. He is a retired CPA working part-time for RLB Accountants.Charles A. Lavigna serves as Elder, Church Treasurer and Small Group Leader at Reading BFC. He is owner of Green Valley Nursery and Gifts.

Board of Directors of BFC Homes, Inc.
(Ch – LeRoy S. Heller)  
Elect 1 Minister for 3 yearsLeRoy S. Heller 
Elect 1 Layperson for 3 yearsRobin A. Musselman 
Elect 1 Minister for 2 years  

Committee on Credentials
(Ch – Dennis M. Cahill)  
Elect 2 Ministers for 3 yearsCarl J. Fisher, Jr. 
Keith E. Plows 

Committee on Ministerial Candidates
(Ch – Calvin T. Reed)  
Elect 2 Ministers for 3 yearsCalvin T. ReedTimothy J. Bertolet
 Richard E. Taylor 

Committee on Nominations
(Ch – Raymond R. Bertolet  
Elect 2 Ministers for 3 years Richard T. Paashaus
 Ralph E. Ritter
Elect 1 Layperson for 3 years Rachel Schmoyer

Conference Judicatory
(Sec. – Gregory A. Uhrich)  
Elect 2 Ministers for 3 yearsCarl C. CasselDonald E. Kuntzman
Joshua Miller 
Elect 2 Elders for 3 yearsS. Lester Moyer 
 Rodney P. Plows 
S. Lester Moyer serves as an Elder and Choir Director at Bethany, Hatfield. He is employed as a Sales Representative for Robert Brown Associate.Rodney P. Plows serves as an Elder at Nazareth.

Special Appellate Judicatory
(Sec. – David J. Watkins)  
Elect 1 Minister for 3 yearsRaymond R. Dotts 
Elect 1 Elder for 3 yearsHans R. Waldvogel 
Hans R. Waldvogel is Director of Engineering for Jamaica Hospital, NYC. He serves as Elder, Sunday School Teacher and Choir Director for New Life BFC in Carmel, NY


Ministerial Relations Committee
(Ch – Byron Widger)  
Elect 2 Ministers for 3 yearsByron WidgerTimothy S. Cowen
 Timothy J. Schmoyer
Elect 1 Elder for 3 yearsL. James Roberts 

Moderator for the 129th BFC Conference
Elect 1 Man for 1 yearRandall A. GrossmanTimothy J. Schmoyer

Vice-Moderator for the 129th BFC Conference
Elect 1 Man for 1 yearFrom Unelected Candidates 

Secretary for the 129th BFC Conference
Elect 1 Man for 1 yearDavid A. Thomann 

Committee on Nominations: Raymond R. Bertolet, Chairman & Secretary; Vonnette E. Allen, Betty Herb, Robert A. Johnson, II, Donald E. Kuntzman, Mark S. Matson, Philip E. Yerrington

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