2011 Report of Victory Valley

Report of

Victory Valley Camp

            It has been an exciting year at Victory Valley Camp and I give praise to God for His working through both full-time and summer staff to touch and change the lives of young people. We had a quality summer staff that was committed to sharing and modeling the love of Christ to the campers who came. There were 34 returning staff this year. The Winter Weekends saw an increase over last year. VVC also added a 4th week for Middle School age children. This year we are reintroducing our Core Challenge and one week of Venture Quest.

            Dan Faust was hired as a full-time Program Director on September 1, 2010. Dan is no stranger to VVC. He spent two years as a counselor and then one year as Boys Head Counselor/Outpost Coordinator. In 2009 he served as the Summer Team Leader. Dan graduated from Grove City College in May as a pre-seminary major and married Heather in August. Dan is also a member of Grace BFC in Reading.

            The Lord continues to provide financially through our programs, weekend retreats, group rentals, individual gifts and Church support. Being mindful of the economic environment, we have reduced the price of summer camp for 2011 to $299.00 for a week. We ask for your continued prayer and financial support as we look forward to a successful 2011.


      •    Dining Hall. In the spring volunteers helped put a new metal roof on. In the fall, a drop ceiling was installed with improved lighting.

      •    Cabin Knoll. This was one of the first cabins built in 1958. We remodeled the bathrooms, added insulation under the floor and in the ceiling. New exterior doors were also installed. This will made a significant difference as this is one of the most used cabins in the winter.

      •    Outside Steps to the Dining Hall. A work crew from the Red Hill church replaced the old ones and installed railroad ties and brick to make them even.

Projects for 2011

      •    Winterize Cabin Ledge. Add furnace upgrade hot water heater and replace bathroom.
Replace windows in the Dining Hall and Game Room. 

2011 Calendar of Events

March 18-20 Core Challenge

April 1-3 Prospective Jr. Staff Retreat

June 14 Open House

June 18 Friends of the Valley Picnic 10:00-4:00

June 18 Summer Staff Dedication Banquet 6:00

June 19-25 Week Children’s Camp; Children’s Outpost

June 26-July 2 Week Children’s Camp; Children’s Outpost; Valley Day Camp

July 3-9 Children’s Camp; Children’s Outpost; Valley Day Camp

July 10-16 Middle School Camp; Middle School Outpost; Valley Day Camp

July 17-23 Children’s Camp; Children’s Outpost; Valley Day Camp

July 24-30 Children’s Camp; Middle School Outpost; Valley Day Camp

August 1-5 Valley Day Camp; Venture Quest

October 8 Golf Challenge

October 29 Fall Family Festival at the Valley

November 25 BFC Youth Event

December 3 Friends of the Valley Banquet

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Manwiller, Director
Victory Valley Camp

Board of Victory Valley Camp: Timothy J. Bertolet, Chairman; Carolyn Cruse, Secretary; Timothy J. Schmoyer, Treasurer; Colin Bartholomew, Kevin Derr, Bruce Ellingson, Jason Englehart, James Ernst, Rachel Norris, Mark R. Orton

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