2012 Report of Arrangements

Report of the

Committee on Arrangements

            The Committee on Arrangements for the 129th BFC Conference met twice during the Conference year in fulfillment of its mandate. The purpose of the committee continues to be to review the mechanics and efficiency of each conference as well as assist in providing hospitality. Any suggestions on what can be done to better accomplish the above are graciously received.

            After the success of the new format with a keynote speaker during the 128th BFC Conference (Daniel Henderson, Strategic Renewal), the Committee, along with the Agenda and Program Committee under the direction and leadership of the BFC Exec.Brd is preparing a similar schedule with Center for Church Renewal, author and speaker, Dr. Gene Getz, as the keynote speaker. The date and starting time for the 129th BFC Conference is Monday, April 23, 1 pm. We plan to end on Wednesday, April 25. Please pray that this will be a spiritually uplifting conference.

            The Committee is concerned about the relevance and possible time-wasted fulfilling the mandate as noted in the second portion of §507-1 (“Minutes shall be recorded and approved for each meeting.”). For many years the last several meeting minutes have not been approved but, rather, mailed to the delegates at a later time. And, generally, mistakes that are identified are grammatical or in regard to names. If the Committee to Examine BFC Conference Minutes were expanded to a larger number (from 3 to 5) and if they were charged with a greater mandate to observance and examine of the minutes during the conference, along with minutes being posted online (as soon as possible) and some printed copies, might this not make us more efficient and accomplish the intent of having accurate minutes?

            The Committee recommends that the Registrars do not read off the seating of alternate delegates before each session. Instead, the Moderator may introduce those who have just joined the conference.

            Since this is the official gathering of the leadership of the BFC, the Committee contends that attendance and participation is mandatory. In agreement with the Committee on Credentials we plan to reinstate the listing in the official minutes those who are excused and those un-excused. Please, pastors, clear your schedule for these three days. And churches should strive to have a delegate or alternate delegate in attendance for each meeting.

            It has been noted that other than pastors of regions meeting for monthly prayer and maybe a few other joint activities, the legislation relating to Regionalization, as presented by the former Strategic Planning Committee and passed at the 117th Annual Conference of the BFC (2000, pages 37-38), is not active. It is the opinion of this committee that the 129th BFC Conference either review this legislation to see if it is appropriate and/or if it should be modified or a study committee be established to investigate the same.

            The last two conferences saw us streaming live the proceedings on the internet. Plans will be to continue this with more cameras and better sound. Our desire is to make these proceedings available to our missionaries and others who are unable to attend. Pinebrook will make internet service available during the conference for free.

            Orientation material has been placed in the beginning of the Report Book. This material should be reviewed by each member of Annual Conference.

            The Overseer of the Pages and Head Page is Raymond L. Cole, Assistant Pastor at our Newark, DE, church. He will be assisted by Daniel L. Williams, Pastor of New Beginnings BFC, Woodbury Heights, NJ.

            The Committee is grateful that the Moderator of 128th BFC Conference established a committee to review the BPLs. This is to be done every seven years as was resolved by the 121st Annual Conference (Yearbook, 38). We look forward to seeing their report.


1.         Second Reading Resolution:

Whereas, there are occasions in which a different starting day might be preferable or necessary and

Whereas, our current ruling for the start of the BFC Conference is a bit restrictive, therefore be it

Resolved, that we drop the following words in §501-7:

“on the Monday following the fourth Sunday”

§501-7 would read:

BFC Conference convenes in April. The starting time and place of the Conference shall be recommended by the Committee on Arrangements and ratified by BFC Conference. The length of the Conference shall be determined by the Committee on Agenda and Program.

2.         Whereas, starting BFC Conferences on Mondays means delegates from New Mexico and Mexico may have to miss Sunday services, or, at the very least, attempt to get flights on Sunday, therefore be it

Resolved, that the 130th BFC Conference be held at Pinebrook Bible Conference starting, Tuesday, April 23, 2013.

3.         Resolved, that all Study Committees, Committees and Agencies have their reports sent to the BFC Headquarters (3000 Fellowship Drive, Whitehall, PA 18052) or execbrd@aol.com by March 1, 2013.

Committee on Arrangements for 129th BFC Conference: David A. Thomann, Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; Davis E. Duggins, Thomas P. Shorb, Randall A. Grossman, Moderator of 129th BFC Conference; Raymond Cole, Overseer of Pages

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